*Invest vast millions of dollars into a new building...

...then compromise the design you spent your millions on by tacking your logos where they conflict with the design.*

What's even the point of getting nice architecture if you're just going to compromise it right out of the gates?
God I hate the obsession with branding.
Thank goodness they've lowered the East facing logo, it looked terrible in the earlier plans right in the middle of the slope.
Agreed, but it still looks awful. Just less awful. (At gunpoint I'd have placed it one floor up above where it's now proposed, which I think would be the least awful of possible locations. It now looks like a cold sore on the lips immediately below it.)

Agreed, but it still looks awful. Just less awful. (At gunpoint I'd have placed it one floor up above where it's now proposed, which I think would be the least awful of possible locations. It now looks like a cold sore on the lips immediately below it.)


It does seem extreme that they need to have it on all 4 sides, when it can be prominent on 3 sides without compromising the design too seriously.

In terms of where I would place the east sign at gunpoint, why not a couple floors beneath the top opening. There is no current or presently proposed building that would obstruct sightlines to the sign a few floors lower. Then it could be a bow tie, instead of a cold sore.
Ugh? its the new world my friend, stop living in the past

I am stupefied at the meaninglessness and futility of this comment.
Because something exists or is a certain way, we can't question it or critique it? I'm "living in the past" because I take a critical eye to design?
The TD Green is giving me Gumby vibes
I am stupefied at the meaninglessness and futility of this comment.
Because something exists or is a certain way, we can't question it or critique it? I'm "living in the past" because I take a critical eye to design?
Hmm?..i'm talking branding here and how it's everywhere
i'm not dissing you and have no doubt that you always take a critical eye to design
Love the tower, but the logo treatment is hideous. I guess there's no way around it with these particular brands.
I like the examples of changing the colours in the crown to match the branding. Branding is unfortunately inevitable so an interesting way to work around it.
