Event Information: 17 St. Andrew Street 2nd Community Meeting

Date and time:Monday, October 18, 2021 6:00 pm
Eastern Daylight Time (Toronto, GMT-04:00)
Change time zone
Duration:2 hours
This is a follow-up to the October 5th, 2020, community consultation meeting for the application at 17 St. Andrew Street. The applicant has revised the plans by reducing the size of the building, revising its design, and including additional retail space and units. The revised application proposes a 5-storey mixed-use building, with rooftop amenity space and a mechanical penthouse, having an overall height of 21 metres. A total of 72 rental residential units and 283 square metres of non-residential floor area will be provided on the ground level. A total of 103 bicycle parking spaces are also proposed as part of the application.
NEw rendering taken from the architectural plan via Site Plan approval:

PLN - Architectural Plans - DEC 6  2022-1.jpg

PLN - Architectural Plans - DEC 6  2022-2.jpg
Yeah, because we wouldn't want something fun.


Oooof. My impression of the Impressions Group just took a knock.

Yeah, because we wouldn't want something fun.


Oooof. My impression of the Impressions Group just took a knock.


It went from warm, contemporary and sophisticated to an overly conservative bunker of a building. From stereotypically Montreal to stereotypically Toronto.

I'd group it in with Shigeru Ban's amazing proposal for the George Brown College wood building in a category called "Could Someone Else Please Build This in Toronto?"
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I too must confess to preferring what @interchange42 referred to as the 'fun' version.

I don't think the current iteration is terrible, but it's certainly far less interesting, and, I think, less in keeping w/the Kensington vibe.

One thing about the current iteration........they attempted to keep a reference to their original window motif at-grade, while doing so w/the dulled down typical window profile above.

I'd much prefer they went back to the original motif across the facade; but I'm also not sure a more consistent look, even w/the duller window design brought down to grade, wouldn't be preferable to a peculiar looking hybrid.

For much the same reason, I don't get the introduction of 'stone' on the grade level either.
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Not as much fun as the earlier render, but better than the last iteration. A bit 'conventional' for Kensington, but otherwise handsome, clean, a nod to heritage. Better integration of the ground floor treatment for sure.

The 'painted brick' style may lend itself to some fun Kensington colour (s) down the road.

My only question.............I'm a bit puzzled, it looks like the 3 store front sections each have a different setback? If so, that seems like a no-value flourish to me.
My only question.............I'm a bit puzzled, it looks like the 3 store front sections each have a different setback? If so, that seems like a no-value flourish to me.

Same, unless you pointed out I wouldn't have notice but damn it why the 3 different setbacks?
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