Yes, preventing people from living in your neighbourhood because you don’t like where they sit in the income band is indeed a pretty good reason to assume that person is kinda shit.
I started to realize that, there are some people, act like a machine and just keep repeating what they tend to believe. It does not matter what you told them, they just don't get it. Not sure if it's due to lack of critical thinking, or logic, or what?
I started to realize that, there are some people, act like a machine and just keep repeating what they tend to believe. It does not matter what you told them, they just don't get it. Not sure if it's due to lack of critical thinking, or logic, or what?
Perhaps it’s because some folks believe it’s morally reprehensible to prevent new people from living in your neighbourhood.

(Also, projection is quite a thing!)
I’m going to suggest we all ignore the obvious misanthrope troll. No point engaging any longer. I hereby pledge to do so.
I hereby pledge to ignore you too. Just a last comment, you just cannot tolerate any different opinions. Standing on the moral high ground, closing your ears, living in an illusionary world, and criticize those that have different viewpoints. I would suggest you to go to a private forum and let your buddies keep comforting you with politically correct speech. Good Bye!
I’m going to suggest we all ignore the obvious misanthrope troll. No point engaging any longer. I hereby pledge to do so.
I was going to propose this several posts ago. Although debate is often a great way to challenge your own views and enlighten yourself, sometimes the other parties views are so intuitively wrong, reprehensible or both, as in this case, why bother. I call it my don't debate a 5th grader rule.
Folks, after quite a lot of back and forth debate, looks like we are more divided in terms of opinions rather than united. Unfortunate but that's reality, as we can't expect people always have the same opinions. I agree that, there is no point to debate anymore, so I promise this is my last post in this thread (and you don't have to reply as well). Maybe some of my posts were getting a bit emotional, or I didn't express some points precisely enough. Let me clarify here.

1. We all want to help those that are not as fortunate - suffered from illness, abuse, injury, etc, as life sometimes is unfortunate and it indeed worth all the sympathy. I totally agree. On the other hand, not all people in the world are honest, sincere and trustworthy. They do bad things, harm other people, fraudulent, socially irresponsible. Same logic, some people would take the social assistance for granted (Look at the percentage of fraudulent cases in CERB). I think we can agree that, as taxpayers, you want your money to be used wisely to help those that are truly in need, right? I just want to propose to the city, can we have a prioritization/selection mechanism, to allocate the limited spaces to the homeless that are less controversial (i.e. refer to the groups I keep mentioning in my posts)? Of course, in reality no mechanism is perfect and can guarantee to help those that are truly in need, but at least it shows the city is willing to listen and try to compromise, rather than, saying once we decided, that's it. That's the art of democracy.

2. I want to emphasize one more thing. I believe that, in any groups, there are always "good" people and there are "bad" people, as generalization is always wrong. However, based on what a person did in the past, I also think it's reasonable for others to perceive him/her as potentially more dangerous than the others. If you don't perceive in that way, sorry, maybe you are a saint, and I am not. That's fine, as we respect the differences.

3. Another point I want to mention, I don't think it's a right thing to criticize people as "immoral". There is no standard in morality. Morality changes from time to time, from culture to culture, from places to places. What's been perceived as immoral in the past could be perceived as moral now. In a society, law is the standard but morality is not, and that's why we obey the law, not morality. We need to respect people have different values, culture, background and they don't necessarily have to see this issue as the same angle as you. Is it fair to use all the dirty words such as "shit", "scum", "misanthrope troll" to describe people with different opinions, even you think they are wrong? Where is your democratic quality?

4. Lastly, I want to clarity that, I never look down on any people. I just have less empathy to those that give up themselves. In a life that lasts tens of years, who hasn't encountered different type of challenges? It's not an excuse not to standup and be self-reliant. Of course, a temporary relief is needed to do that, and that's why the Canadian government has many different type of social programs and I am good with it. All I want to say is, you need to show your determination in order to deserved the help from others. Again, maybe you don't agree with me, but I respect that.

5. I would like to appreciate Northern Light's detailed explanation and information to me. Despite our differences, I really learn a lot from you.

Nevertheless, I still wish you guys all the best. We all believe in democracy and let's see how this issue develops.
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Wow, the things you miss when you get bogged down elsewhere. Of course, I'm here five days after the last post and risk starting something up again that's gone dormant, but I do think I should post just to go on the record.

There are posts above that probably should be deleted, or at least edited, (one of our moderators has already done some of that in my recent absence from this thread). Our new member has crossed the line at times, but so have some of you seasoned vets… but I get why you've been provoked. There's also been a lot of well-articulated points that don't contravene any of our rules and in fact, actually do our members proud.

For everything that's current news-wise regarding this development, It's been discussed to death now, and everyone's fatigue with this is why things have gone dormant. Fair enough.

I'd like it to stay that way in this thread until there is actual news. I doubt the thread will revive for a bit anyway, but to put this on record, any rehashing of the above debate without new material will be deleted. I've put the thread on 'watch'.

Sorry, I have to break my promise, as I would like to post a good news here. Among the three candidates (Lily Cheng, Markus Fehr, and Daniel Lee) that run for the city councillor election for Willowdale on Oct 24, Lily (who opposes building the modular housing at 175 Cummer) has gained the most votes (41.72%) and expected to win the election. Taking into consideration of the votes Daniel gained (23.11%), who also opposes this idea, the residents of Willowdale has expressed their clear voice about this subject. I am glad to see democracy and common sense prevail!
Lol. The clown opponents missed the appeal window, the OLT has rejected the appeal, and the rezoning is approved. Project is proceeding. Council already approved it; no further debate or discussion required. Congratulations especially to those who will have a warm, safe place to stay soon.

Lol. The clown opponents missed the appeal window, the OLT has rejected the appeal, and the rezoning is approved. Project is proceeding. Council already approved it; no further debate or discussion required. Congratulations especially to those who will have a warm, safe place to stay soon.

Wow. For such ferocious and well-heeled opposition, what an incomprehensible error.

I'm entirely glad for the error, but that's bizarre.
Wow. For such ferocious and well-heeled opposition, what an incomprehensible error.

I'm entirely glad for the error, but that's bizarre.
Well, they had to get their hair done.

Wow. For such ferocious and well-heeled opposition, what an incomprehensible error.

I'm entirely glad for the error, but that's bizarre.
I have no basis for this at all. It is total speculation. But I wonder if the lawyer spiked the appeal on purpose. We’ll never know of course. But maybe the conscience came through.
