Well since the thread was bumped...

Toronto Model 05-09-21 CC3.png
Hariri Pontarini put out a newsletter today, and it contains this image:



That's not a very clear look at the building, but it looks clear to me that the latest version has a faceted exterior again, and that's quite the spire, but at the same time, I don't see an entry for redeveloping the site on Toronto's Development Applications page anymore.


Looks good! Not too sure of the spire

Agreed. Though I'd go a bit further and say I think it looks as bit goofy.

Would love to see some other angles though. But it doesn't look as beefy or as ungainly as some of the earlier designs.

Agreed once more, other angles are key.
I love the spire! Pending seeing it from other angles. It does look quite dominant, but the perspective and the spatial distortion in this image is probably heightening that as well. I think it'll probably look more in-proportion from other angles and in real life if it gets built.

Spires are sick in general IMO and this one adds some much-needed drama to this otherwise kinda boring design — and would add the same to our often very flat-topped skyline.

That's not a very clear look at the building, but it looks clear to me that the latest version has a faceted exterior again, and that's quite the spire, but at the same time, I don't see an entry for redeveloping the site on Toronto's Development Applications page anymore.


It's a Schrodinger's proposal. That it, exists as fully realized building that occupies that given space in the minds of developers, while at the same time not existing in form on any official applications. And acts as way to get around pesky holdouts at City Hall to get it hopefully approved in wishful thinking...
That's not a very clear look at the building, but it looks clear to me that the latest version has a faceted exterior again, and that's quite the spire, but at the same time, I don't see an entry for redeveloping the site on Toronto's Development Applications page anymore.


The Development Application site seems to be odd in last few days with projects that are certainly 'in motion' missing. Yesterday I could not find info on the Rekai project for the seniors' home at Cherry and Eastern.
Hariri Pontarini put out a newsletter today, and it contains this image:


That's not a very clear look at the building, but it looks clear to me that the latest version has a faceted exterior again, and that's quite the spire, but at the same time, I don't see an entry for redeveloping the site on Toronto's Development Applications page anymore.



Now that’s a sharp looking render! Isn’t this the previous design that we’re looking at?
Interesting to see this new bird's eye view compared to the first (faceted) one in the database. Sure looks like yet another revised design... certainly more interesting/sculpted than the most recent stripped down version we saw.

The spire design in particular has been elevated from the glorified flagpole seen in both previous versions.

Original/faceted avec flagpole

Looks simular to the first version as you can see in the photos up above! Better than the second rectangular box of a rendering.
I prefer the original design posted above by 3Dementia, though the differences are minimal. The spire doesn't bother me. Toronto has few spires.
