Site Plan Approval application submitted on Aug. 26:

Development Applications

Updated project description:


I've been expecting this for awhile now....

From the Cover Letter:

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they have submitted 4 pages of documents on the dev application. they are pretty serious.

Back below 300m (without spire) - 296.6m to the top of the tower screen
Yet another one under super tall status
Gee here is an example in height out of the big eight new office towers planned/approved - under construction in Toronto

Union Park | 303.26m | 58s

191 Bay | 296.6m | 64s

Union Centre | 286m | 54s

11 Bay | 269.45m | 54s

Union Park-2 | 261.8m | 48s

The HUB | 257.85m | 57s

CIBC SQUARE-2 | 241.39m | 50s

160 Front West | 239.87m | 46s

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Back below 300m (without spire) - 296.6m to the top of the tower screen
Is it an antenna or is it truly a structural spire. Because if it's a structural spire, from the perspective of the CTBUH they dont care the tower screen ends at 296m this is still going to get supertall status as dumb as that rule is.

If it's not structural then this is yet another lost supertall. At this rate Toronto must be on its way to owning the title of city with the most buildings within 10m of supertall status. That's gotta count for something right?
I think you meant architectural rather than structural.

CTBUH uses the following (oft-debated) height criteria: "the architectural top of the building,
including spires, but not including antennae, signage, flagpoles or other functional-technical equipment".

So if this spire is useless adornment (not functional and no flag flying)... the building is a super-tall... go figure. 🤷‍♂️
This development deserves to pass the supertall status number ! Being located between Bay and Yonge financial district come on city council !
This is a chunky looking boi!


I'm really loving the observation deck protruding out of the building! Here is the floorplan of the deck! It looks like the opposite side incorporates a terrace as well!

There also seems to be a Sky Lobby at Level 34, about halfway up the tower. Unsure if this will be publicly accessible, but it would make for an amazing place for a restaurant too!

Also, with regards to the height, Wellington Street is lower than the "Ground Level" shown in the architectural plans. Maybe that extra height would knock this building past the 300m mark? Here's to hoping!
^i think it only adds 2m to the height, still not a supertall.
