The north wall is fenestrated, but if the three properties between this site and Social's site were assembled, yes, I believe there is space for one more tower in there, but it would have to be quite narrow.

is there any images of the north wall , .. did anyone go to the communiity cosultation meeting at the pantages hotel ?
I was there. I'd say that for the most part the tower is ok looking. Nothing exciting, really. I was really impressed, though, with the Dalhousie side ground floor treatment. I think it is really well designed and will brighten up that side quite a bit.
I was there. I'd say that for the most part the tower is ok looking. Nothing exciting, really. I was really impressed, though, with the Dalhousie side ground floor treatment. I think it is really well designed and will brighten up that side quite a bit.

??are there windows on the north wall , .. any idea if thery are sliding another building in there , abutting this one ??
An image showing the small amount of space between the 2 buildings...


A short video showing the small amount of space between the 2 buildings...

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the word on dah street is that they also bought up , 203/205/209 CHURCH STREET , AND 86 DALHOUSIE[back of 209] ,
is this true , anyone have info.??
application says "masonry on precast or metal panels"

plus the height is now 114.25 + the mechanical penthouse.
