The Lori Morris interiors are quite hideous. Lots of dark finishes with tons of gold/brass. The common areas look like a men's club and doesn't look like it will be an enduring classic. AND a bitch to clean.
A year and a half later, and @Calvin bumps the thread…

So I suppose it's worth mentioning that there is still no submission to the City for the building. The website's still there though.

Anyone know if there's active advertising for this one? Calvin, did something prompt you to bring this one back to the surface?

So this garbage is happening...

I know "faux" architecture is frowned upon by the architectural community, but most people would think this looks good, and I happen to be one of those people. Call me a philistine, I guess ?
I know "faux" architecture is frowned upon by the architectural community, but most people would think this looks good, and I happen to be one of those people. Call me a philistine, I guess ?

It’s not hideous, just nothing special. Spandrel should not exist in a project like this.
I passed the site this weekend and they dug a big pit already, the side is also enclosed by wood boards. So it is definitely in process. How could it be approved, with it violating almost EVERY single zoning bylaws (height, density, set back, etc)????!!!!!
I passed the site this weekend and they dug a big pit already, the side is also enclosed by wood boards. So it is definitely in process. How could it be approved, with it violating almost EVERY single zoning bylaws (height, density, set back, etc)????!!!!!
It appears that this was approved through an OMB appeal—PL060214—that was launched in 2006, (not sure what year it was decided), long enough ago now that there are no documents online that I can find.

