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Do you know for a fact that they aren't working on such things behind the scenes? Considering they were "kicking the tires" back in 2007, who knows if some preliminary plans are already in place. Maybe it's just a matter of dusting off a couple reports.


No, I don't know it for sure, but do you think this present mayor would support a bid? I think he'd throw cold water on it pretty fast. Just forget about an olympic bid.
hes not stopping gravy... its all a illusion... hes just stoping things he disagrees with.... SPORTS he agrees with... he can spin this into being good for the economy... Dont put it past him.... At least if we all hated FORD after hes done we could at least say we had a olympics and got a NFL team... as much as i hate someone that might make things even.
Do you know for a fact that they aren't working on such things behind the scenes?

Has there ever been a Canadian bid that didn't have full buy-in and support (including financial) from both the province and federal government?

Regardless of what Ford may or may not choose to support, do you see any indication that either of those two senior level of governments would be remotely inclined to put money on the table for a Toronto bid in the next few years (whether for 2020 or 2024)?
I see it completely differently. In the past people knew that Toronto was going to vote Liberal. As a result the Liberals took Toronto for granted and the conservatives didnt even bother to try to woo us.. However now that we could really vote either way the liberals realize that they better not just assume we will vote for them and the conservatives are doing everything they can to win the Toronto vote..
The states have said no to the 2020 games... Europe is coming out of the recession and it looks like one (Rome) bid will come out of there. Tokyo may bid again, and they will also be a South Africa bid (Durban). If Toronto bids - I would say its Beijing 08 like in its odd to win. Once the IOC sees the $$$$$ associated with the US TV contract for the Sochi & Rio games, it'll be drooling to get its hands on an actual EDT bid. For 2024 ... forget about it. Paris will be bid again (and it'll be 100 years since there last)... likely to see a lot of europe bids, a USA bid, more Asia bids, 2024 is going to be a mess much like 2012 was.
Agreed recession everywhere else is Canadas best chance of getting this thing... Well tnat and you are right about our standardized times with american and their TV dollars.... Im not a Big Olympics pusher but this really makes sense. It especially makes sense if you want a NFL team or a DRL...
this really makes sense. It especially makes sense if you want a NFL team or a DRL...

Now this is just getting silly. As much as I'd like to see it, there is absolutely no way any kind of DRL is going to be built for 2020, Olympics or not. Even TC lines fully funded in 2010 that had a fraction of the engineering intricacies and cost of the DRL were barely going to be coming onstream for 2020.

Again, apart from the theoretical musings of 'the Liberals and Conservatives now have to woo Toronto', has either of those two levels of government made the slightest suggestion that they were willing to pony up the kind of cash needed to support a Toronto Olympic bid?

There are a lot cheaper ways for the provincial or federals to make nice to Toronto than by dumping money on the Olympics.
Has there ever been a Canadian bid that didn't have full buy-in and support (including financial) from both the province and federal government?

Regardless of what Ford may or may not choose to support, do you see any indication that either of those two senior level of governments would be remotely inclined to put money on the table for a Toronto bid in the next few years (whether for 2020 or 2024)?

You're right. I was just pointing out that there may be things going on behind the scenes that we don't know about. I'd argue 2024 is more likely just because it's so far off in the distant future and therefore it'd be easier to get governments on board (and a lot can change locally, nationally and globally), but the idea of a 2020 bid would still have some time to snowball (though not very much of it).

One thing I will say is that last summer it seemed like this was Toronto's for the taking and that we haven't heard a peep from anyone is probably a good indication that nothing those with the ability aren't interested. Though like I said, we really don't know.
Now this is just getting silly. As much as I'd like to see it, there is absolutely no way any kind of DRL is going to be built for 2020, Olympics or not. Even TC lines fully funded in 2010 that had a fraction of the engineering intricacies and cost of the DRL were barely going to be coming onstream for 2020.
Mostly for financial reasons though. Much of the Eglinton line could be open in 2016 if it wasn't for the desire of the province to spread out spending over more years. Seven years is the normal limit to go from an idea, through approvals (which are now about 6 months compared to the 18 months under the old EA rules), to construction and opening. You could drop this to 6 years by going PPP from near the start, like the Canada line in Vancouver.

I certainly agree that it's financially improbable it would happen for 2020. But it's not a big engineering obstacle.
The earlest Toronto can look at putting on these games is 2032.

By then Toronto will have a first class transit system as well a Mayor who knows how to run a city including a new Sr level.

Putting on the Pan AM games is going make Toronto look sick in 2015
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I have a bad feeling about the Pan Am Games.

I'd like to be as optimistic as drum118, but I think it will take a long time to recover from Mayor Tommy Boy.
