Bloor Street between Avenue Road and Bedford is among my favourite streetscapes in the city. This project is only going to make it more interesting.
Looks stunning.

How will they get around setbacks and parkland contributions though?

Wow what a nice building ! Imagine if this structure went up 3 times higher higher than what it is going to be . Love the warm tone colors !
Don't be fooled by the clever sunset lighting in this rendering. This proposal is 100% Toronto grey. Not a shred of warmth in the proposed color finishes. Just look at other renderings to see what I mean.

I had a feeling someone was going to challenge me on that thought ! Too bad it's not going to look like that rendering . I'm sick of the same blue green glass look !
Don't be fooled by the clever sunset lighting in this rendering. This proposal is 100% Toronto grey. Not a shred of warmth in the proposed color finishes. Just look at other renderings to see what I mean.
I had a feeling someone was going to challenge me on that thought ! Too bad it's not going to look like that rendering . I'm sick of the same blue green glass look !

I'm happy to shit all over those who don't try (including Tribute elsewhere), but this is very clearly different and of higher quality so why grumble at the colour of the curtain wall?

Pick your battles much?
I'm happy to shit all over those who don't try (including Tribute elsewhere), but this is very clearly different and of higher quality so why grumble at the colour of the curtain wall?

Pick your battles much?
Stating the fact that it is grey is not the same as grumbling, just correcting someone on misinterpreting the deceptive rendering. I personally like this curtain wall. Would I have liked it more if it came in warm bronze hues? Yes. Am I going to complain about it being grey as is? Not really. Will this grey camo-like pattern blend right into the sea of grey that is Toronto skyline? Absolutely.
