Senior Member
I guess my only thought it - is there demand ? We've seen a lot of talk of new office development around the Y&E node but none of it has come to fruition ; The best example being the RIOCAN floor additions. A lot of office space has left.
Quite a few tenants of left for downtown; Mind you, a lot of that has been backfilled.
But I'm not really sure there's a lot of demand for AAA office space in this node, I think a lot of companies would locate downtown instead, unless the rates are significantly cheaper, and I'm not sure that'd be the case with a large office development that involves demolishing the existing buildings. Yes there are a few big ones, riocan/CT (but both own the buildings/land).
Oh I agree it's attractive, but not attractive enough to justify new AAA offices towers with comparable leases to downtown; Yonge and St. Clair is in the same situation really.
They're office nodes that have always had really low vacancy rates but not really a demand for new development (from a developers point of view) as the land/cost to build probably require rental rates they can't achieve, as they need to compete with downtown.
Well that's where I disagree. For one, there is demand for new development: look at 16 York, which is breaking ground without an anchor tenant. That's how confident the investors are.
Second, while there is no comparison to Union Station and its easy access to labour commuting from east and west 905 on the Gardiner and the GO, there is comparison in another respect: commuters from north 416 and 905. Why work somewhere in the Union Station district if you could get off the subway or the roads at Eglinton? I think it will be an attractive idea for commuters, especially when the Crosstown is finished, and I think that translates into redevelopment interest at this site.