Final concrete pouring for the sidewalk along Wellesley began today and will probably continue throughout the weekend. Also, the glass has finally been washed and the building really shines now!
I'm disappointed that there is no green space at street level. I noticed one form in the ground as I was walking by, hopefully for a tree. Does anyone have any inside info. on the art component?
Looks like TWO forms for tree type green things. Woo-hoo... :(
22 Wellesley Entrance

A blank canvas waits patiently for an artist. What, oh what will the powers that be put in this high traffic spot?

Hi there, I'm new to the thread for a couple of weeks. I'm assuming there are a number of you who've bought here; so have I.
Have you seen the sales centre yet? I was looking at the windows and fire sprinklers. They look cool, but unfortunately, it doesn't allow too much flexibility to put blinds (if that's what you like) close to the window. Actually, you're somewhat forced to put any type of window covering a good 4 inches away from the window. Any thoughts on how you'd handle your window coverings? In one of the sales suites, they have the drapery attached to the ceiling to help cover the bulk head, but then you waste about a foot of space. Anyway, just wondering how others will do their window covering on the interior.
Well here's what I'd do in that scenerio (or maybe any scenerio where I had a large glass wall in full view of the tourists on Wellesley): get a huge piece of translucent glass or coloured glass/plastic?--fuschia pink or green perhaps--and have a nice funky view of the street. You'd be amazed at how tired you'll get of the "view" (i've got this amazing view of the skyline downtown and frankly, I'm bored of it and would rather have a front porch and view of any Annex street.)
West, south and north sides, September 23rd.
This building makes a strong argument for properly tinted windows and tinted balcony glass. And my pet peeve, painting/treating the undersides of the balcony slabs.





IMO, 3 things would make this a winner.

1. Paint the bloody exposed concrete. (I'll throw in 20 bucks).

2. Get those eastern most condos on the 2nd floor to clear that crap from their balconies. (Did they already smash the glass that separates the balcony?)

3. Something spectacular (or mother nature-based) in front of the main entrance.
Give it time.
I dont think anyone has even moved into this building yet... if they have, it was recent. There is still a lot of finishes to complete on the building. Just because the hording is down doesnt mean that the entire building is complete and will remain as is. It takes up to a year after move-in for most condos to be completely finished.

2+ months later they still have not fixed the huge chips in the overhang.

What would they be waiting for?
Ugh..... Reason #42536 That buildings shouldn't have balconies for EVERY unit...... BALCONY CLUTTER..... Church and wellesly is famous for it..... why is it that people think that putting beach umbrella's out on their balconies is at ALL appropriate?

AUGH, I'm buying at the RITZ next time, NO balconies!
2+ months later they still have not fixed the huge chips in the overhang.

What would they be waiting for?

The east side of the building still has graffiti on it. An attempt to remove it was made, but it's still very noticeable. I didn't have the heart to photograph it.

Dane said:
Ugh..... Reason #42536 That buildings shouldn't have balconies for EVERY unit...... BALCONY CLUTTER..... Church and wellesly is famous for it..... why is it that people think that putting beach umbrella's out on their balconies is at ALL appropriate?

Tinted balcony glass would have made it much less noticeable like similarly designed buildings with glass balconies. People store crap on their balconies everywhere. It's more noticeable when your walking around observing a neighbourhood with glass balconies as opposed to driving by in a car in the 'burbs when your not paying attention to such detail.
Many condos disallow storing crap on the balconies. Many owners don't pay attention until reminded (again and again).
You'd think that owning property would allow you to keep whatever you want on your balcony (anything that doesn't threaten or insult your neighbour or the people on the street below). What constitutes crap (besides dog waste)? Is there a maximum amount of time you can spend on your balcony? If someone's visiting, can they stand on the balcony, or is that against the rules? Each question is more trivial than the last.
Many condos disallow storing crap on the balconies. Many owners don't pay attention until reminded (again and again).

Precisely. Once the building is turned over to an elected Board of Directors (or has a very strong management team prior to that) issues like this are addressed and quickly resolved.

junctionist said:
You'd think that owning property would allow you to keep whatever you want on your balcony (anything that doesn't threaten or insult your neighbour or the people on the street below). What constitutes crap (besides dog waste)? Is there a maximum amount of time you can spend on your balcony? If someone's visiting, can they stand on the balcony, or is that against the rules? Each question is more trivial than the last.

That's one reason why I got out of condo ownership (stupid me), too many rules. In fairness, they're all spelled out in the condo docs (bylaws) but when something like smoking outside on a balcony causes conflict with a neighbour which then leads to letters from the management, then costly lawyers, living in a community like that can get very tense and unpleasant.
Why would this building's condo board gauleiters have so obviously issued a dictat that the curtains and blinds must be white, but not followed through with a similar decree concerning forbidden colours for items on the balconies? Does their power only extend so far?
