Permit applied for: (heritage)


Permits for new build in various states of progress:



A half-block to the north, our little group admires the stately countenance of the former 1913 Stirling Bank of Canada building by John M. Lyle, who would go on to design the Royal Alexandra Theatre and much of Union Station … well, the second and third floors in any case, as the first has been completely covered in bright orange tile by a pizza chain. And about that tile: after some strategic removal, it was determined there are actually two layers.

“I just wanted to know what was the condition of the stone [underneath],” says Mr. Ghattas. “Was it damaged, was it dirty? And how difficult is it to remove the ceramic tiling? There’s actually a cement board protecting the stone, so I can anticipate it’s going to be easy.”

And while a 52-storey tower will rise on this site, CentreCourt is retaining the bank building in full and setting the tower back to ensure Lyle’s work will continue to occupy pride of place. Even the author of A Progressive Traditionalist: John M. Lyle, Architect (Coach House, 2009), Glenn McArthur, remarked on the “very good job” in balancing the two styles in Daily Commercial News in January, 2022. Most satisfying, to this author anyway, will be to see the flat pilasters drop right to the sidewalk once again.
what is that cool looking building poking behind the BOND hotel?
