January 30, 2024

Crane base prep work progressing.

January 16, 2024

It appears portions of the crane are being installed this week. Pieces have been delivered and setup since yesterday and they use the back of the former Girl Guides office (recently closed and vacated) as a staging area for the large trucks to pull into, therefore Merton has not required to be closed so far, but I'm sure it's a matter a time before they do, for the top pieces. No announcement seen in my building regarding closure yet, so it may not be this weekend. Perhaps next weekend. It would have to be Saturday into Sunday.

Some more pictures taken just now.



So the crane was fully assembled Friday. Here are some pictures taken just now.
On the last picture, you will see a new generator (right next to the front of the truck). This was brought in to power the crane. When in use, it is very loud and sounds like a truck is parked right underneath my window. And the exhaust is quite bad, depending on the way the wind is blowing. it was left running all weekend and many people complained. The city and developer ensured it would be shut off after work hours (7a-7p) or wrapped with something to muffle the sound. It was turned off last night and it felt so peaceful to sleep!

Wonder if they still plan to install protection over the sidewalk, now that the crane is in operation.


QuadReal has had a camera on the roof of 35 Merton pointed at their site for a few years.
I expected a live-feed to show up on the construction website at some point but so far it hasn't.
You can see a few seconds of not so recent time-lapse from that angle in their latest video update:

This project needs a camera from above the site
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