I too checked out the preview office in MTCC, there was nothing too interesting they showed, only a scaled model in the middle, otherwise the same information was found in the marketing brochure as posted earlier both in the real estate thread and by Tridelwebmaster ...

Here's a site photo where 300 will be built (with perfect view of the hydro transformer beyond ;))
Video Interviews with Rudy Wallman and Alex Chapman

I finished digitizing the video interviews with the 300 Front Street West architect, Rudy Wallman, and interior designer, Alex Chapman.

I know people who lived in that condo (the icon?) just to the north of the transformers. They were so afraid for themselves and their children (fears of radiation/explosions) that they moved at their first chance.

I know nothing about the safety of the transformer station, but is it a good idea to live right next door to one? Given the events of this past weekend I have to wonder. I imagine this will be a bigger headache for Tridel than they realize.
Electricity doesn't blow up quite the same as propane, so no the past weekend wouldn't be a reason not to move there. Also it isn't as bad as going out in the sun for an hour a day without sunscreen. Soooo, I would guess it wouldn't be as bad as most think.

Virtual Cheers
I know people who lived in that condo (the icon?) just to the north of the transformers. They were so afraid for themselves and their children (fears of radiation/explosions) that they moved at their first chance.

I know nothing about the safety of the transformer station, but is it a good idea to live right next door to one? Given the events of this past weekend I have to wonder. I imagine this will be a bigger headache for Tridel than they realize.
It's not fun being around them when they explode. They go off like a shotgun! People are generally more concerned about developing cancer, though.

No mechanism has been proposed by which cancer would be caused by electric fields. You can toss transformer station cancer in the same pile as global warming denial and the easter bunny, at this point.

Here is a site with lots of information.

Boiled down to its simplest essence, more studies show no correlation than show one, and where a correlation is shown, exposure is at very high levels.

It's like those studies that show lab rats developing cancer after consuming a mountain of sucralose. Suddenly everyone's in hysterics. Sucralose?? AHH, get it off me!

But since the notion that EM fields will give you cancer has slithered its way into conventional wisom, I think you're correct in your assumption that this will probably be a hard sell for Tridel.
The line-up of people was out the door, and I didn't wait around to actually go in. There seems to be some "buzz" about this property, although whether it translates into strong sales, remains to be seen.

According to the sales rep, they sold about 100 units (672 total) on the first day (Aug 8th).

I too checked out the preview office in MTCC, there was nothing too interesting they showed, only a scaled model in the middle,

The scale model and the white/grey colours and patterns on the building and driveway are attractive (kudos to Tridel on that)... but like I said before (as you can see from the initial renderings provided by Tridelwebmaster), there is nothing wow about the architecture... Another cereal box IMO


nice CGM... you managed to get some pics inside !

According to the sales rep, they sold about 100 units (672 total) on the first day (Aug 8th).

Keeping in mind majority of these were units reserved by agents during the pre-sale (agents got priority in reserving units and signed the deal on August 8th)

The scale model and the white/grey colours and patterns on the building and driveway are attractive (kudos to Tridel on that)... but like I said before (as you can see from the initial renderings provided by Tridelwebmaster), there is nothing wow about the architecture... Another cereal box IMO

I agree the '300' pattern found on the driveway and blank north wall (facing transformer) are indeed very nice in addition to the staggered balconies on the 'loft' wing ... but I too think that the tower design lacks interest resulting in little more than a box
I too checked out the preview office in MTCC, there was nothing too interesting they showed, only a scaled model in the middle, otherwise the same information was found in the marketing brochure as posted earlier both in the real estate thread and by Tridelwebmaster ...

Here's a site photo where 300 will be built (with perfect view of the hydro transformer beyond ;)) ......CHEEKY MONKEY! Would NEVER have noticed it if you had not pointed it out....
Cheeky Monkey! Would NEVER had noticed it if you had not pointed it out....
I would sure love to hear the from the buyers that decide to buy a lower floor unit facing directly on to that Hydro transformer complex.
This thing is impressive. Definately worth taking a walk over to, and having look at. It really does hum...loud! There is some serious wattage going through that thing.

Wouldn't it be fascinating to hear their reasons for buying.

" Gollllleeeeeee!!! Did I ever get a great bargain..and the saleslady told me that this building even comes with its very own powerplant!! Hell! She even waived the the premium for the great close up view I got!"

(only one I can think of):D
300 Front Scale Model

Here's a photo of the scale model showing the top of the roof of the lofts looking down to the parkette.

Don't forget, the tower will block MOST of it :)

I don't think blocking the transformer from public view is the issue, moreso the fact that residents at 300 will be looking at this thing in the future
Don't forget, the tower will block MOST of it :)

Why does the city not get tough with Ontario Hydro and get them to bury it.
Could they not take advantage of the excavation of 300 Front street to bury this station.I believe in todays day and age it has been done.
