Night rendering

From Condo Guide

^^^ I think these street-level night renders are deceptive. Based on the flyby rendering and the scale model, it's not going to be dark at all. In fact, it will be mostly white:

Here's a photo of the scale model showing the top of the roof of the lofts looking down to the parkette.

there's a poster over on SSC, Globetrotter1, who is saying that the project has sold out ..(he is also saying that he bought 2 units)...amazing news if true....
Extremely unlikely... Nothing extraordinary about this project ... That would break any 2007 records
Why does the city not get tough with Ontario Hydro and get them to bury it.
Could they not take advantage of the excavation of 300 Front street to bury this station.I believe in todays day and age it has been done.

I'm at a loss as to how they are even going to build this tower without removing the station to begin with. It's not all that much space to work with. That station takes up a lot of land. I thought that the lower section of the tower (the part with the pool on top) would be in the place of the station. Would have made sense, no?

The station is needed to keep the lights on downtown. Maybe someday a new transformer station will be built to take over, but that time is not yet upon us.

Meanwhile, Tridel sent their architects out with rulers and string and they actually measured how much land they own on this site and decided not to build on land they do not own... yes, this development will fit south of the transformer station!! That's very smart of them, don't you think?!


The station is needed to keep the lights on downtown. Maybe someday a new transformer station will be built to take over, but that time is not yet upon us.


If we depend on that turn of the century transformer station to keep the lights on downtown Toronto then we are really in trouble.
It looks antique to you?

At the rate Toronto has been growing lately, every bit of Hydro infrastructure has its purpose. What makes you think this one is either not up to the task, or expendable?!

Downtown Toronto's load is supplied from two high voltage stations, one at John and the other at Esplanade. The former, supplied from the Manby station in Etobicoke, serves the area roughly west of University, with the latter, served from Leaside, serving the rest.

Obviously the equipment is quite current, and downtown has seen a major upgrade recently with the new tunnel from John to the Esplanade which allows power to be shared between the two sectors.

I'm a huge supporter of power line undergrounding, both for aesthetic reasons and for reasons of reliability. There's a very good reason that New York City has by far the most reliable power system in North America: all of its lines are underground.
^Some members would label that sentiment as being nothing but "pompous."

Sorry Caltrane, just had to.

I'd love to see the hydro structures go underground. I wonder if, in the meantime, the facility in question could be hidden within a building - or at least some walls?

The station is needed to keep the lights on downtown. Maybe someday a new transformer station will be built to take over, but that time is not yet upon us.

Meanwhile, Tridel sent their architects out with rulers and string and they actually measured how much land they own on this site and decided not to build on land they do not own... yes, this development will fit south of the transformer station!! That's very smart of them, don't you think?!


Wow! Thanks for that smart ass answer! It definitely proved to be useful to drive the conversation!


I'm not stupid. I'm quite aware that the plan obviously fits. I was just stating that given what the models and renderings look like, and also given that I pass by this location numerous times a day, it doesn't completely look like it would really fit. Key word: look.
