Thanks Interchange. After starting on UT's inception and dating back to 2007's crash, I've only got less than 500 posts, so I don't exactly post a lot of bs on here. I meant I would monitor the site as I walk past it everyday and update anyone if anything new happens. I should have added more, but I didn't have much time.
I can confirm that nothing is indeed going on with this site.

What do people expect, a Tridel hamburger truck on site. Im sure that the sales office at 2 Carlton St. will give you more details on whats going on regarding this development.
Yeah, the sales office will tell you lots however, determining if any of it is true or not is probably not worth the effort.
300 Front Progress to Date- Contstruction Start Planned for Spring 2010

There is quite a bit happening on 300 Front but most of it is invisible unless you are in the Tridel Store on the weekends. There are 425 suites sold to date and sales have gone very well the past month and a half (41 sales).

Tridel has achieved enough sales that it has made the decision to commence working drawings to make our 1st building permit application by the end of this year for a construction start for late spring 2010.

Purchasers have received a notice by email and registered mail July 23 about revised occupancy:

"...the market is showing positive, relatively consistent performance and we believe now that the time is appropriate to project new construction schedules. Accordingly, we have adjusted the date of your new home possession date to reflect the impact."

I received this note from our Manager of Development Planning:

"Our Final Staff report on the Zoning By-law was passed at Council in May 2008. We are currently finalizing our s.37 with the City of Toronto and working towards Site Plan Approval aiming to finalize these 2 matters by the end of year."
Good news! Thanks TWM!

Good news! Thanks TWM!


..and that clear, straight forward, and very open post is yet another reason why Tridel has always done so well.

By the way. Anyone notice any other builder's reps posting on a regular basis here?
I have not.
Indeed, kudos to Tridel.
I think Trump_Toronto used to post here but he/she has gone quiet in the past half year or so.
Stinson hung out here occasionally too.
congrads on the good news for 300 Front ~ thanks TWM

how many suite are there in total for 300 anyways ??
Total number of suites at 300 Front Street West

how many suite are there in total for 300 anyways ??

682 suites and lofts.

Note that sales numbers vary: I don't list conditional sales, sales that are in the cooling off period, transfers etc.. It's always difficult to give a hard sales "number" until contract is closed. In case someone is working out percentage sold not all 682 suites were or are available for sale with collections to be released at later dates or pending finalized designs.
Info refreshingly lacking in spin/BS. Thanks for treating us like grown-ups, Tridelwebmaster. Much appreciated.
I get the feeling this building will be shortened to around 40 floors.

perhaps TWM would be nice and could share your thoughts on this comment, or maybe even confirm this ?? :)
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