More balconies!!!:mad: wtf? IS it the new fad? Why do most new condos around the world don't have balconies? And Toronto ends with these balcony wrapped towers? (1 Bloor East, now this):mad:
Caltrane, don't know in feet, but the pdf shows 267.08 metres to the top of the top floor. Then there appears to be another 26.9 meters or so to make it about 293.98 in total. So about 964 feet. Wait a minute, that can't be right.

This image shows the top of one of the elevations from the pdf. The top floor appears to say 267.08m and the floor below I think says 260.16. Am I way off on this?
Ok, now I'm confused. The pdf also has written: Height: Storeys: 58, Metres: 183, so I have no idea what the numbers are on that image above.

edit: figured it out. Guess that's the height from sea level. The bottom floor starts at 83.18m. Figured that couldn't be right. So I guess the real total height is closer to 210.8 metres, about 691.6 feet.
Ok, now I'm confused. The pdf also has written: Height: Storeys: 58, Metres: 183, so I have no idea what the numbers are on that image above.

edit: figured it out. Guess that's the height from sea level. The bottom floor starts at 83.18m. Figured that couldn't be right. So I guess the real total height is closer to 210.8 metres, about 691.6 feet.

The figure I get is such:

267.08 to the top floor, starting from a elevation of 83.18.
Thus the tower is 267.08-83.18 = 183.9 m
The top portion is unmeasured, but as best as I can figure, it's equivalent to 4 floors in height. Each floor is indicated at 3.9 m, meaning the full height is
183.9 + (3.9 * 4) = 199.5 m or 654 ft.
Why have a blank wall looking out at the transformers? If it's a hallway, at least have windows, so you can marvel in the modern technological monstrosity across the street.
Good rendering wylie. It looks like a smaller version of northeastern Midtown Manhattan where the Ritz would be Citicorp and the new condo would be the Bloomberg tower.
Yes, kudos to Wylie for these renderings. Sadly, it just goes to show that individually these buildings are fine but when fully built out, they are being designed and built without any context or reference to neighbouring buildings. No continuity in built form, a total mishmash of styles, setbacks, etc. primarily at street level.
The Simcoe Place podium looks strange here. KPF's RBC building should have at least gave a little nod to Simcoe . I'm starting to wonder why none of these new towers (in this area--except Lightbox) have them along the street. Wasn't this a problem in New York/Chicago in the early 20th century that led to enforcing setbacks? I like the density but not at the expense of grade level.
