The Chinese translation could use a bit of work: "zoning" doesn't mean literally dividing the city into zones, and the translation of "keep Chinatown affordable" sounds weird.

It read like a dictionary translation - like the U of T Medical Sciences building actually got translated as U of T medical sciences construction.

From Layton's laytest newsletter:


Reminder: Public Meeting for 315-325 Spadina Ave. on November 19

Date: Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Time: 6pm – 8pm
Location: 1 King’s College Circle (U of T Medical Sciences Building)

City Planning is hosting a Community Consultation where you can learn more about the application for 315-325 Spadina Avenue, ask questions and share your thoughts.

This application proposes a 13-storey mixed-use building with 239 rental residential units, 35 vehicle parking spaces and 252 bicycle parking spaces at 315-325 Spadina Avenue. The ground floor will contain 988 square metres of retail space fronting on Spadina Avenue, an entrance and a lobby to the residential units above, as well as access to the loading and the underground parking accessed from D'Arcy Street.
I’m not surprised that development pressures are on in China Town. I’m more surprised that it’s taken so long. There are some beautiful homes east of Spadina that are ...well... let’s say need some cheering up.
Hurts to lose Rol San, even if it does open up in another location there are memories there and its front neon lights and separate back room have a very specific feeling that will be lost, but change comes and I am glad to see that this new proposal has such significant fine-grained retail — vital for this neighbourhood but something I wish we could see across the city.
Hurts to lose Rol San, even if it does open up in another location there are memories there and its front neon lights and separate back room have a very specific feeling that will be lost, but change comes and I am glad to see that this new proposal has such significant fine-grained retail — vital for this neighbourhood but something I wish we could see across the city.
My understanding is that they are looking for a newer space with a better layout and have been looking well before the property was sold.
Is it just me or is that retail base incredibly uninviting? It's as though the design intention was to permanently minimize and sterilize the potential of the retail component.
Is it just me or is that retail base incredibly uninviting? It's as though the design intention was to permanently minimize and sterilize the potential of the retail component.

I agree, I don't like the design of the street level that much, even though I do appreciate the extent of the number of units and how its depicted with the messy urbanism of signage. Hopefully the signage and the fine-grained bones of it will counteract the somewhat sterile beigeness.
