Not a bad idea re: building of a similar scale as the new SLC (plus tHe added benefit of hiding the mistake that is 10 Dundas East) - but the assertion that parks by default equates to unsavoryness is inaccurate - Devonian Square just down the street is one of the most well used and loved green space in the city.

A parkette on that small plot of land sounds like a nice idea, but in reality, like much of the public spaces, they are used as nothing more then a place for the homeless to sleep, and are often neglected and vandalized. I know that sounds horribly negative, I love green spaces as much as the next person, but if living downtown for over 20 years has taught me anything, it's that public spaces are all too often abused. I'd rather see a beautiful tower then a run down parkette filled with graffiti and trash. I'm by no means supporting a supertall, not enough land for it anyways, with Aura in the northern back drop, a tall tower would would be overbearing, but perhaps something to match the new Ryerson building going up directly accross from it? Just a thought :)

We can't be that defeatist with public spaces. With that said, I do wish that we'd focus on the kinds of public spaces with a strong sense of place instead of formulaic parks and parkettes: new public squares memorializing or commemorating significant people and events with international-calibre landscape design. Such spaces could be less likely to be neglected, particularly if what they're commemorating is meaningful to Canadians. It might mean fewer parks but greater quality, use, and maintenance. I don't understand why we're lacking in local squares in this city that commemorate significant people and events. We should build such spaces now that we're Canada's largest city.
"the assertion that parks by default equates to unsavoryness is inaccurate - Devonian Square just down the street is one of the most well used and loved green space in the city.
QUOTE AlvinofDiaspar.

The Sir C S Gzowski Park which is bounded by Front, Scott, & Wellington streets is daily "litter cleaned" but nothing else. Leaves, branches, dog residue, (solid & liquid)

grassless areas with earth deposited on the main thoroughfare sidewalks due to the beforementioned; this park is a Dog's Breakfast. ONCE A YEAR the city spruces it up

for an event. Ha! A number of years ago they did it twice!

Er, Gzowski Park is on the western waterfront. Berczy Park is bounded by Front, Wellington and Scott.
"Er, Gzowski Park is on the western waterfront. Berczy Park is bounded by Front, Wellington and Scott."
QUOTE ShonTron.

I stand corrected.

j t

Actually your examples did not affect my statement - just because some public parks are poorly maintained doesn't meant all parks are cesspool.

Such a parkette would be claustrophobic since the walls of the HMW and Ryerson would loom over it. And a supertall would be worse. The city should (as suggested) limit the height and threaten to tie up the lalani's in court for years to extract a resonable price for Ryerson. Then Ryerson could hire the same architect to build a complimentary project as on the North side.

I agree - putting a park on that spot isn't the best use, nor is a supertall appropriate. The best would be a building similar in scale to the new SLC, which would help create a gateway to the campus on Gould.

I've always sensed that Ryerson's 'encroachment' onto Yonge was a bad idea, and now some are suggesting this should spread. I would much rather have seen the school spread eastward, developing Church Street as its main gateway/artery, not Yonge. I think there is something to be said for preserving Yonge's heritage as the commercial thoroughfare it has always been, not diluting it further.

This is nothing against Ryerson or the architecture it is putting up, and quite the opposite, but only about land use and the preservation of the heart and spirit of 'downtown Yonge'.

I agree - putting a park on that spot isn't the best use, nor is a supertall appropriate. The best would be a building similar in scale to the new SLC, which would help create a gateway to the campus on Gould.


Make it an all season amphitheater...
"Er, Gzowski Park is on the western waterfront. Berczy Park is bounded by Front, Wellington and Scott."
QUOTE ShonTron.

I stand corrected.

j t

And of course the name Gzowski Park should really be applied to what we call Alexandra Park.

Part of the site will probably serve as a subway exit.


There is nothing to suggest that the ground floor won't remain as retail - the SLC project across the street certainly did so. And like it or not Yonge is the main street that students use to get to and fro the University. Building a gateway on Church St. will do iota to change that.

Has anybody seen, there is hoarding going up around the site, with leasing signs and renderings "flagship store site" design may vary it says. Is there and official DP for this site yet?
Picture of the sign would be great. I suspect that something exciting is being planned for this corner.
