I've watched this go up all semester. Appaling is the word that comes to mind.

And to think that I once believed this area couldn't do worse than Velocity.
Same windows used at Radio City. Let's hope these are properly sealed. There were huge issues with leaks in the building envelope there that cost millions to repair.
Granted the criticism this project receives always since the first evidence of cladding, would you use this video to describe it?

Unoriginal idea that I hope nonetheless takes: as a follow-up to UT's building of the year poll, how about a subsequent "worst of the year" poll, with this one a candidate for the hero image for the story?
Unoriginal idea that I hope nonetheless takes: as a follow-up to UT's building of the year poll, how about a subsequent "worst of the year" poll, with this one a candidate for the hero image for the story?
Listen to the video that I posted. Would you use its audio to describe this project?

Just when you think the design standard of condos in Toronto has been raised, we have this...
