On heritage: summary - 372 to be completely removed; but there will be a remembrance of Club Bluenote.

74-376 will have their facades/rooflines saved/restored but be new in behind.

380 (the bank building) will be retained in whole.

Details below, from the Heritage Impact Assessment:






The landscape plan calls for 2 trees on the Yonge frontage, and more on the Walton frontage, none on Gerrard. (no room, and no room to widen the sidewalk either)

Of note, at first blush, the landscape plans assume no change in width for Yonge (in fairness, nothing is approved yet; but given the liklihood of change, it would be ridiculous not to have any new Yonge frontage be compliant with the revitalized Yonge plan.

Still no sign of the developer behind this hmm? Reminder then that this can simply be a rezoning exercise and to not believe renderings (though it is reassuring to see that the corner building is preserved).

Boy am I pleased that I no longer have to spend time in this stretch of the city. With all the construction coming over the next half decade, the pedestrian experience on Yonge will surely be miserable.
...I'm not sure I can get into that weird bulbous bottom.

But if they pull that off without compromising the design and materials, that building would will be most certainly something.
We have a front page story up here, and have added a database file, linked up at the top of this page. In either you'll see larger versions of the renderings.

This is a great looking building that actually looks like it was proposed for Bloor St. With a relatively expensive design and curtain wall, I am (pleasantly) surprised for this location. I too pray that it does not get value engineered down and we end up with another cheap investor/student residence, as is the trend in this neighbourhood.

I wish the developers luck and hope this pull it off.
