My take on this proposal, is that the developer is being cautious with height and design for that for this complex, he puts together a bunch of mediocre shorter boxes.
Gee, Its nothing more than a large awkward slab that unfortunately will please many

Somewhat. The developer is being cautious however, in regards to the market conditions than over NIMBY outcries over the height.

The current design offers the high demand large floor plates and can also be broken up into two smaller phases.

Loosely reminds me of Calgary's City Centre proposal
Frankly, I love the fact its "a wall", its an interesting variation from all the point towers. We can debate good vs bad architecture all we like, but variety is often appealing in of itself.
A new Render? You guys may have seen this posted before in another thread?


I'm digging this new design much better; but I'm also a fan of TD Centre and the X Condos.

This version would be quite at home in the financial district.
Does anyone want to let the planners know that an 800,000 ft2, 29 storey office tower will probably put much more strain on transit demand in the area than Mirvish-Gehry? Also, this office development is another 300 m further away from an existing subway station.
Does anyone want to let the planners know that an 800,000 ft2, 29 storey office tower will probably put much more strain on transit demand in the area than Mirvish-Gehry? Also, this office development is another 300 m further away from an existing subway station.

But it's just another ordinary glass tower. Nothing to worry about here.
Does anyone want to let the planners know that an 800,000 ft2, 29 storey office tower will probably put much more strain on transit demand in the area than Mirvish-Gehry? Also, this office development is another 300 m further away from an existing subway station.

It's certainly walkable to transit...

p.s. My blood pressure goes up when M+G is mentioned in other threads, like this one lol. I avoid that thread like the plague with the amount of dogmatic, intellectuals ranting about, well, nothing...
Indeed. Please keep any ranting related to M+G limited to the appropriate thread.
nah this is a great location for this ! Its a little large but there are a couple large 300-400K office towers on King West ... this is quit ea bit larger of course. I don't think the height is an issue at all given what it is surrounded by.

I think this will be though to market though ... and won't get off the ground for ages ... surely their Union station tower is a lot more attractive. This is going to cater too a different market (as there is no path connection), and it'll take a ton of smaller clients to fill this building.

And there is already competition ! QRC West ! And l just checked, they still haven't managed to fill anymore then the oriignal first tenant of 50K ... oh and competition happens to be the same developer lol

Anyway, my point is I bet this is a very long term play for Allied ... like in the 5-15 year range.
I could see Allied building it with minimal preleasing and flipping it to some foreign REIT upon completion.
