Embattled poster with anti-transit city avatar weighs in :D

He's a scourge because he cannot defend his viewpoints and chooses instead to troll the forums, not because of misaligned viewpoints. So, basically you're asking the admins to award amnesty for worthless trolls and bad posts.

I'm a huge transit supporter, just not LRT

He contributes to individual project threads. I don't see how he could be classified a troll; otherwise most of this forum (especially some of you aggressive lefties) should be kicked off outright.
Maybe I'm missing something, but he used "you're" correctly as in "you are". In any case, why all the hate around here today? Is the monsoon season getting to everybody today?

I'm pissed off because I just read that Stupid and Pafuchio (aka the Ford's) managed to cancel the Ft York bridge. So, in my books, Ford, and anybody who endorses the fat ba~tard, is a scourge to the city.
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I'm a huge transit supporter, just not LRT

He contributes to individual project threads. I don't see how he could be classified a troll; otherwise most of this forum (especially some of you aggressive lefties) should be kicked off outright.

Hey Flip, travel much?
I'm a huge transit supporter, just not LRT

He contributes to individual project threads. I don't see how he could be classified a troll; otherwise most of this forum (especially some of you aggressive lefties) should be kicked off outright.

calling for 'lefties' to be kicked off a website because their viewpoints do not align with yours is immature. I would like to see the administration on this site take a more balanced approach when handing out infractions.
I don't want to be 'that guy' but can we please get back on topic. This is one of the most exciting projects in the city now that Foster is involved and i would hate to see that be overshadowed by by pointless argument. Regardless this development will play a massive role on how the waterfront and Don Lands turn out. I really hope that the developers design something iconic here to become the pinnacle of the entire waterfront/don lands development.

Anyways, remember guys......don't feed the trolls :p
Just remember what happens when Foster interns get a hold of projects. Pharmacy + fritted glass box + ufo pods = whoop de do.

I'm happy about the announcement but my excitement is tempered...... and I am typically a cheerleader.
The concerns raised about Bug Ford's possible negative influence over this promising and ambitious project are entirely legitimate. This site's attraction for developers is its location and planned infrastructure. The proposed QQ East streetcar is an essential element of the infrastructure and as long as Bug is ruling the roost it's unlikely to get built. Whether that's enough to impede future development of the area isn't entirely known yet, but it's highly troubling and discouraging.

And just to stress a point that should be abundantly clear to everyone, this is not a left/right issue but a Toronto issue that affects all of us equally.
I am glad to see these architects all involved in the project. I just hope that the Keating Precinct street grid, transit grid, and bike paths as laid out by Waterfront Toronto are kept. They could create something impressive here but throw out connectivity to the greater waterfront if the precinct plan isn't respected.
I am glad to see these architects all involved in the project. I just hope that the Keating Precinct street grid, transit grid, and bike paths as laid out by Waterfront Toronto are kept. They could create something impressive here but throw out connectivity to the greater waterfront if the precinct plan isn't respected.

With this high-profile group developing that part of the city.
It just makes more of a reason that the City of Toronto honour Waterfront Toronto infastructure plans for that area.
The name Foster + Partners no longer has the same cache as years ago. They have become a design factory and several of the marquee partners have left.. I'm not impressed by Nigel Dancey either who has been in charge of the Canadian projects and likely will continue with this one. The Bow in Calgary standing out reflects more the ultra conservative approach in the country led by pension funds and REITs than being an exceptional work.

On the other hand, if you're into green technologies
I'm a huge transit supporter, just not LRT

He contributes to individual project threads. I don't see how he could be classified a troll; otherwise most of this forum (especially some of you aggressive lefties) should be kicked off outright.

What do you expect on the waterfront since Subway will never support it in the first place??
