One of my biggest pet peeves is that cheap quality fencing going up all around the city, not just in dog parks but also along sidewalks. Nothing beats good wrought iron, which continues to look great decades after it's built. Spending a little more upfront, saves a lot in maintenance over the long haul but sadly, our short sighted politicians only think in terms of 4 years, to the next election.

Let's hope Grange Park gets some good quality materials, instead of the cheap aluminum railings this local park got.

I agree with you however, you can't get anymore maintenance free than the fencing they are using. It's a lot more too. IIRC, four times more.
Does that dog park still have the pebbles in it? My dog hated it

A lot better then wood chips ... which caused my dog to blow her knee out. (they had attempted to level a park with wood chips .. and poor dog caught her paw stuck in a hole and turned 90 degrees). I'm actually surprised they put a dog park there.
I'm not a dog owner so would somebody please explain to me what a dog park is? Is it a place to take your dog so that it can relieve itself or is it a place for dog owners/dogs to socialize in?

In either case I rather wish we would create spaces specifically for this purpose rather than forcing it into established parks. I do understand that some larger parks can integrate different uses better but this just doesn't seem appropriate for smaller urban spaces like Clarence or Victoria or Grange eventually. These should be urban green space gems, not tracks of patched grass and wood chips filled with dog poop and surrounded by chicken wire.

If there were spaces dedicated to this they could be designed better, better surface materials, apparatus for the dogs, dog fountains, places for pooping (dogs not people), heated areas for dog owners etc?
It's a fenced area where you can take your dog off-leash. And you still have to pick up after them. If you remove the park, dogs are still going to have to relieve themselves. Are they supposed to wait until you can get them over to the island?
If you remove the park, dogs are still going to have to relieve themselves. Are they supposed to wait until you can get them over to the island?

Lol, i thought dog parks were for dogs to get exerise,
.. to relieve themselves, they could do anywhere as long as you scoop, no?
they should make a park at the slim chunk of plot between the two parking lots.
So the idea of extending Wellington through here is dead?

Dead a long time ago Ed.

The interesting thing on this one is how State will try (or maybe not) to compliment the $1B Well project directly across the street. I hope a cheap office tower is not their plan.
they should make a park at the slim chunk of plot between the two parking lots.

I believe the intention is that there will be north-south pedestrian access through there. I don't know anymore detail than that though.

