Sorry, by all means enforce littering rules more zealously (as it should be done), but "subsidizing lifestyle choices"? Please, it's like saying putting in a jungle gym, a flower bed, a fountain in a park is a lifestyle choice just because someone enjoys it.

I don't play soccer, why is the city subsidizing these lifestyle choices? Every soccer field in the city should have a Toronto staff member to collect $1000 from every individual who wants to kick a ball around. Also they should all have chips put in them so we can keep track of the soccer players for the headaches they cause me.

Actually, we should do this at all basketball courts too.
Another waste of taxpayers money to subsidize certain lifestyle choices. The city is over-run with dogs. ALL dogs in the city should be registered and chipped, and the City should charge a minimum of $1000 per dog, per year to pay for the maintenance headaches your pooch causes to the public realm (and my private property).

I suspect my taxes go towards something you use that I don't use. If not, you should get out more.
Another waste of taxpayers money to subsidize certain lifestyle choices. The city is over-run with dogs. ALL dogs in the city should be registered and chipped, and the City should charge a minimum of $1000 per dog, per year to pay for the maintenance headaches your pooch causes to the public realm (and my private property).

Have you ever had a happy day in your life?
My taxes go to pay for a lot of kids' amenities, even though I don't have one.

You should be happy people are having kids. It's a natural part of life, not a lifestyle choice. This country doesn't even have enough of a birth rate to sustain its population.
I don't play soccer, why is the city subsidizing these lifestyle choices? Every soccer field in the city should have a Toronto staff member to collect $1000 from every individual who wants to kick a ball around. Also they should all have chips put in them so we can keep track of the soccer players for the headaches they cause me.

Actually, we should do this at all basketball courts too.

Didn't Mammolitti actually propose this at council a few months ago?
I always clean up after my dog but I hope that one time I run out of bags my dog shits on your fresh cut grass and you step in it.

I realize that is a little harsh... but seriously what a rude thing to say.
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My taxes go to pay for a lot of kids' amenities, even though I don't have one.

That's another problem. Pro-creating is also a lifestyle choice that society has decided to subsidize. Like car culture, we, as a society where the majority do it, has decided to impose their will...this is an example of the scourge of democracy... "the tyranny of the majority".

I'm not saying don't do it...just pay for it if you do. Well, as a proponent of human extinction, I actually am saying don't do it.

Seriously though....if it represents a benefit to society, fine, let's all subsidize it. Your dog does not benefit society. As a rental property manager that needs to deal with people's dogs, I can assure you that there's no upside for anybody but "you" when it comes to your pooch.
I always clean up after my dog

Really??? You run around scrubbing down everything your dog pisses on (which is everything). Are you replacing the grass and bushes dog urine kills? Your dog does need to relieve itself, but it does not need to mark its let it.

Here's a strange one I can't figure out. People tend to pick up the dog crap with the little baggies...but then just litter the baggie somewhere inappropriate. I don't get it...if you are going to do that, why not just leave the crap on the ground? (that was a rhetorical question...I know the reasoning behind that particular phenomenon).
The building I live in has had to replace grass every year because dogs have been pissing on it. Leaving every day smelling fresh dog piss is not something I should have to "deal" with. You want to own a dog in a condo? Fine. No problem. But I should not have to pay for the damage a dog causes. Damage to grass, plants, flowers, bushes, etc. Not only that but all the "accidents" that happen inside the building. Accidents in the hallways, elevators, etc. I'd have no issue with dog owners paying a small dog "fee". If I consistently damaged the building, I'd be asked to pay for it. Why are dogs/dog owners any different?
While dog owners may pick up their dog's crap, there are dog piss stains all over the city. EVERY nice condo that I pass by with planters sitting out front of their entrance has disgusting dog piss stains. EVERY one. It's atrocious. The only people that think this is acceptable are dog owners. The world doesn't revolve around you and your pet. Clean up after them!!!!

And next time you see a flower filled planter outside of a building's entrance, think about us coming into your place and pissing all over your plants. It's beyond gross!
I am having fun reading these posts in my head in the cranky Clint Eastwood Gran Torino voice. Get off my lawn!
