With the addition of more retail space in this development it looks like the area around Front and Spadina is going to become another node of serious shopping next to Yorkville and Yonge and Dundas. I wonder how many bigbox stores will fill out the two grocery stores and department store that have already been announced.
Although it is unlikely, this seems to be an ideal location for another college/university campus.
Another waste of taxpayers money to subsidize certain lifestyle choices. The city is over-run with dogs. ALL dogs in the city should be registered and chipped, and the City should charge a minimum of $1000 per dog, per year to pay for the maintenance headaches your pooch causes to the public realm (and my private property).

It would be nice to be able to walk in any random park without having to dodge canine feces in the grass every 20 feet. It's sad that a responsible dog owner is the guy at David Crombie Park who watched his dog bury its own feces at the baseball cage. Hey at least it's covered?

When taxpayers have to pay $5000 to replace a concrete hydro pole with a decaying base because of all the dog urine coating it, it makes you realize how much of the cost of dogs is externalized to taxpayers.
Really??? You run around scrubbing down everything your dog pisses on (which is everything). Are you replacing the grass and bushes dog urine kills? Your dog does need to relieve itself, but it does not need to mark its territory....you let it.

Here's a strange one I can't figure out. People tend to pick up the dog crap with the little baggies...but then just litter the baggie somewhere inappropriate. I don't get it...if you are going to do that, why not just leave the crap on the ground? (that was a rhetorical question...I know the reasoning behind that particular phenomenon).

Actually, dogs are beneficial to more than just their owners, psychologically. You obviously can't seem to gather any joy that a dog can provide, however.

Much of the wildlife in the city (raccoons, squirrels, rabbits, etc.) also pee and poo on grass. What are we supposed to do about that?
I'm sorry, but some dog owners should be ashamed of themselves. Freshcutgrass is not off the mark. Just because there is a pillar outside the front door of my building, a line of dog owners appear to think it's okay to create a pool of urine by letting their pets go there day after day. When asked if is acceptable to turn the front door area into a pet toilet, the response is usually petulant or sarcastic.

The public realm is not a dog toilet.
I'm sorry, but some dog owners should be ashamed of themselves. Freshcutgrass is not off the mark. Just because there is a pillar outside the front door of my building, a line of dog owners appear to think it's okay to create a pool of urine by letting their pets go there day after day. When asked if is acceptable to turn the front door area into a pet toilet, the response is usually petulant or sarcastic.

The public realm is not a dog toilet.

Maybe your question needs to be rephrased? Try not posing your complaint as question, but rather tell them to kindly not let their dog pee on said pillar, grass, etc. Have you spoken with building management?

No one is suggesting that frechcutgrass is off the mark with his concerns about dogs relieving themselves on public property; he's just out of touch with reality re his suggestions about dog owner fees, chipping, etc.; not to mention his Father Knows Best tone.
Maybe your question needs to be rephrased? Try not posing your complaint as question, but rather tell them to kindly not let their dog pee on said pillar, grass, etc. Have you spoken with building management?

No one is suggesting that frechcutgrass is off the mark with his concerns about dogs relieving themselves on public property; he's just out of touch with reality re his suggestions about dog owner fees, chipping, etc.; not to mention his Father Knows Best tone.

Tust me, I don't ask questions; I point out the problem. I'm civil, but it's clear that the reality of the situation is an inconvenience for some people. A few individuals complained about the lack of instruction indicating that no dog should be peeing or more right in front of a very obvious front door to a residence. A sign went up, and the problem continued. I would think that by most measures of civility, one does not allow a pet to urinate or defecate in such an area, but that situation inconveniences some people unfortunately. Typically, the guilty parties have a message to read on their phones, or don't have a bag, or point out that other dogs go there, and so it continues.

Building management is aware, but they can't stand guard 24 hours a day. I don't think it unreasonable to expect people to understand that it isn't particularly nice to let a dog relieve itself right by the front door of a building. Then again, maybe I'm expecting too much from some adults.

And please note, I'm certainly not accusing all dog owners of such actions. A small percentage are guilty, but unfortunately the evidence "piles" up, so to speak.
Actually, dogs are beneficial to more than just their owners, psychologically.

I hate to break it to ya, but pets are like children...you're the only one who likes yours.

If you need companionship...get a friend (preferably one that's potty trained)

Much of the wildlife in the city (raccoons, squirrels, rabbits, etc.) also pee and poo on grass. What are we supposed to do about that?

All of which are quite edible and would provide excellent protein for the homeless. But you forgot the worse offenders....pigeons.
I hate to break it to ya, but pets are like children...you're the only one who likes yours.

You have severe myopia. Perhaps you can explain how I can bond with other people's dogs that I've never met previously? Lots of people like pets and children that aren't their own. There's no way you've never observed this.

"Some dog I got too. We call him Egypt because he leaves a pyramid in every room." - Rodney Dangerfield
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It appears this has been appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board, presumably because of lack of decision.

E-Status Case Details
400 Front St W City Front Dev.Inc.4 mixed-use buildings Open PL160685
No Hearings have been scheduled for this case.

OMB Contact: Raymond Borja, Case Coordinator, Planner, (416) 326-5358
