Dec 22, 2022














  • A36FE42F-9428-460F-A5D8-126BBE566D60_1_201_a.jpeg
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January 6, 2023. Progress at 400 King Street West appears to be very slow. Still no crane, weeks after the crane base was in place. Excavation around the perimeter of the site is still ongoing. There appeared to be a several individuals assessing the situation, a possible problem, and trying to figure out how it should be handled. They were there for over an hour this morning, looking at a section of the south retaining wall.



White helmets are typically management. Also note the lack of stickers which site employees plaster on their helmets with enviable zeal. which I always find kinda cute actually.
January 6, 2023. Progress at 400 King Street West appears to be very slow. Still no crane, weeks after the crane base was in place. Excavation around the perimeter of the site is still ongoing. There appeared to be a several individuals assessing the situation, a possible problem, and trying to figure out how it should be handled. They were there for over an hour this morning, looking at a section of the south retaining wall.

View attachment 448839
The other two are wearing construction boots but the lady is not. Looking at the amount of dirt on their boots, I would not sacrifice my winter boots in such a place.
The other two are wearing construction boots but the lady is not. Looking at the amount of dirt on their boots, I would not sacrifice my winter boots in such a place.

For those not in the know, with Cumberbatch stepping aside from the role, @Deadpool X is auditioning for the role of Sherlock.

And doing a fine job may I say! Next there will be a discussion of the boot treads and the brand and what this reveals about the person's personal life and the degrees they do or do not hold. I'm looking forward to that myself. :p

In the spirit of helping this along, a zoom: (of @AHK 's photo)

As Sherlock, I would say that middle guy is muttering to the other guy "If she slips and breaks her bone, don't put it on me. She had been warned."
As Sherlock, I would say that middle guy is muttering to the other guy "If she slips and breaks her bone, don't put it on me. She had been warned."

As, Doctor Watson........LOL :

I would observe that the middle person is wearing coveralls, I think the fella on the right is too, the woman on the left is not.

I would also observe that the middle person is either using a calculator or his phone while making hand-written notes; and not one of them is carrying a tablet, a tool of any description or a good camera.

How antiquated.

The fella on the right has no mitts/gloves; the person in the middle only one, on the left hand, and the woman on the left has both hands gloved. So we know the middle person is right handed.

The two to the right have toques/head covers, no evidence of that for the woman on the left.

The person in the middle has rather long hair......

While the fella on the right has 4E feet if those boots are even close to the right size.
