It's coming together very nicely.
Once they remove all of the white protective film off the window frames it's going to look very nice.
Looking at SMV's website, they haven't designed anything interesting, so this building should be a good addition to their portfolio.
Nothing interesting from SMV? They're doing a nice job on Station Condos, and brought an unexpected modern coolness to Brandy Lane Homes' Loggia on the Queensway...

but yes, this is a great addition to their portfolio!

Am I the only one who thinks this design is boring? It's nice to see brick but this looks like a hospital.
yes, Station Condos and Loggia were their breakthrough projects for SMV, but their portfolio consists mostly of mundaine buildings (shopping centres, subsidized/assisted housing, lower end hospitality, institutions and stand alone suburban retail banks/stores).
Am I the only one who thinks this design is boring? It's nice to see brick but this looks like a hospital.

I think you have to look at the building in the context of the surrounding neighborhood and how it just seems to fit right in. I also have to commend Sorbara for going with that much brick and precast coping as these are not the cheapest way to construct. It also looks much better in person and once the glass and exterior are done, you can just sense that it is going to work and well.
I'm sure it's fine for the neighborhood, quite a bland building nonetheless. Perhaps the inside will be a little bit more refreshing.
I'm sure it's fine for the neighborhood, quite a bland building nonetheless. Perhaps the inside will be a little bit more refreshing.

I can see people arguing that this building is a little bland. I really like that it fits with the other buildings of the neighborhood and feel that should be the most important thing, since wellington has a very unique feel to it.

The glass at the the top adds a little extra to me, and the fact that the building juts out with a different look than the rest of the building is also appreciated.
From Cityplace:


This building blends in real well.

From the above pic - the top two floors blend with the top glass floors of the Victory in the background and the lower ten brick floors match the the rest of the buildings on Wellington.
Balcony glass being installed.

Pic taken July 22, 2011

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great photos! Keep them coming guys, I appreciate you guys taking the time to take them. Nice balconies. I hope they brick the front of the building soon!!!
this project is stunning.

Funny how it looks far more polished than the million dollar freed Condominium a few blocks down.

The elevations where the two brick colours are intermingled look like a poorly composed hodge-podge.

To say this project looks more refined than 500 Wellington is like saying Celine Dion is a better vocalist than Emily Haines, or Patrick Watson. (which, though it's a matter of opinion, I can assure you she is not ;-)
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