Oh man...I know living downtown means that a giant building can pop up at any time, but there goes my view from Encore at The Met :(
Look at what? a scribble on a napkin? I'll reserve my personal judgment until I see some renderings.
No need to jump to conclusions

It’s hard not to jump to conclusion with a design this clunky even as a standalone - and 415 is bad enough in and on its own.

It’s like someone trying to resurrect bad early 00s Libeskind.

I actually like the new tower (if it was its own thing) I just think it looks super weird hanging off one side of the existing tower. I dunno maybe I’ll change my opinion with more info.
Look at what? a scribble on a napkin? I'll reserve my personal judgment until I see some renderings.
No need to jump to conclusions

LOL. This isn't a scribble. It's an elevation drawing submitted as part of the rezoning package. It's more official than some artist's 3D generated impression. Use your imagination or has TV (a.k.a the internet today) ruined it?
The tower addition might be interesting if each of those faceted planes are in fact at different angles. Something like this facade on Chicago's Michigan Ave perhaps:


If they are just etched lines then I agree it has a sort of early 2000's Libeskind appearance.
The "lines" aren't even placed nicely, either. It's one thing to do that sort of faceted facade. It's an entirely different matter to see such a major design element handled so carelessly. Blech.
design is decent and I'm glad there are no balconies.
