Site fenced off.

Technically, this has nothing to do with construction for Menkes 4800 Yonge... this is just storm sewage work! With all the high-density re-developments within the North York Centre Secondary Plan area,... water run off has increased significantly resulting in a long history of basement flooding in the surrounding areas. City of Toronto has been upgrading the diameter of sewage pipes in the single residential neighbourhood areas since the Spring for West-side and last year for East-side.

Here, they've been at this particular site for about a month - mainly on western half which is used more as staging area but lately they've taken up the entire 4800 Yonge parking lot. Work requiring Yonge St lane reduction (as shown) are done on weekends since Nov 27/28.
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Technically, this has nothing to do with construction for Menkes 4800 Yonge... this is just storm sewage work! With all the high-density within the North York Centre Secondary Plan area,... water run off has increased significantly resulting in a long history of basement flooding in the surrounding areas. City of Toronto has been upgrading the diameter of sewage pipes in the single residential neighbourhood areas since the Spring for West-side and last year for East-side.

Here, they've been at this particular site for about a month - mainly on western half which is used more as staging area but lately they've taken up the entire 4800 Yonge parking lot. Work requiring Yonge St lane reduction (as shown) are done on weekends.

As always, @sunnyraytoronto to the rescue of another North York conundrum.
Technically, this has nothing to do with construction for Menkes 4800 Yonge... this is just storm sewage work! With all the high-density re-developments within the North York Centre Secondary Plan area,... water run off has increased significantly resulting in a long history of basement flooding in the surrounding areas. City of Toronto has been upgrading the diameter of sewage pipes in the single residential neighbourhood areas since the Spring for West-side and last year for East-side.

Here, they've been at this particular site for about a month - mainly on western half which is used more as staging area but lately they've taken up the entire 4800 Yonge parking lot. Work requiring Yonge St lane reduction (as shown) are done on weekends since Nov 27/28.
This is anecdotal but the workers on site with whom I spoke say the water utilities work they are doing is in fact related to the Menkes development. I see that some of the parking lot signs have disappeared.
