The building has been completely redesigned since the image posted above. There are elevations out there of the new design, but no renderings since I last checked.

closest thing to a render I could find:

Are you against any building that is a box, including the TD Centre? I'd be happy as long as it's a nice box.

Where did I say I'm against any building that is a box? I'm just tired of the lack of creativity.
Sure, boxes can be beautiful with the right design, especially International Style towers like TD Centre (which I personally love), and this one is getting nice features, but it's another glossy box. The slightly curve it won't even be recognizable in the skyline.
I would like to see something really different this time, something having a real setback for example, and with no flat or angled roof.
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Who cares what boxes people like?! Do we have to argue about boxes in every single thread? People like what they like and don't like what they don't like. Get used to it, this is the internet, where everyone has an opinion, and the right to express it so long as it's not hurting anyone.

Yes, I'd like to see more creativity as well. Box or no box. There are awesome architects out there, but developers don't use them. What can you do? Don't buy from them I guess.
The drama is in the cladding here, and looks quite nice. With the subtle curve this should be a nice addition to Bloor... only, i hope they didn't kill the pink canopy. That could have been a signature piece of branding for the department store, potentially becoming an icon in the city for them, along the lines of Esthee Lauder's red door.
That's pretty nice overall. I like the fact that there will be some green space on terraces on several floors up on the tower. At least there is going to be a bit of a set back on the east side so that it isn't right up against the CIBC building. Also I like that there will be public green space on the podium as well.
