What is the status of 50 Bloor? I don't recall it has gone any farther than the render. Has there been an application to the planning department?
Here is that one:


Looks like a gift box - appropriate above the Holt's.
Hopefully will look as good at Theatre Park.
I don't like bad copies of good designs. Redesign.

...or just hire a great architect. They tend to have great designs.

I really hope 1 Bloor E turns out excellent and raises the bar for the area, and shames mediocre developers like Morguard into following suit and upping their game.
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I like the slope of the update design, it could work nicely if they end up going with it, but the height reduction is such a shame. The renders of the second iteration were the worst though with that awkward knife-like portion at the top.
Approved by staff: http://app.toronto.ca/tmmis/viewAgendaItemHistory.do?item=2014.TE34.22

"The application proposes to amend the Zoning By-law to permit a 71-storey mixed-use building (218 metres plus a 12-metre mechanical penthouse totalling 230 metres). The proposal entails an 8-storey retail/office base building and a 63-storey residential tower, with a total gross floor area of 101,232 square metres and 600 residential units. It has 621 vehicle parking spaces (386 for residents, 25 for residential visitors, 186 for retail use and 24 for office use) plus 292 bicycle parking spaces.

The proposed development is consistent with all relevant policies of the Official Plan as well as the Bloor-Yorkville/North Midtown Urban Design Guidelines and provides two pedestrian mid-block connections.

This report reviews and recommends approval of the application to amend the Zoning By-law.

Two other staff reports relevant to the review of this application regarding the Yorkville - East of Bay Planning Framework and a development application at a site at 27-37 Yorkville Avenue and 26-32, 50 Cumberland Street, will also be before Toronto and East York Community Council at its August 12, 2014 meeting."
I've only just glanced at the document, but space for a daycare, 9th floor POPs space as well as an extended glazed feature wall in the podium "projecting 2nd and 3rd floor transparent electronic illuminated 'programmable art'. Cool.

I think that curve could look very nice. It's weird we hardly have any skyscrapers in the downtown core with a heavily curved/steeped facades (l tower aside) or even ones that are slanted for the entire height of the structure (like a hancock building). Still bummed out with the height decrease though alongside that of 37 Yorkville. One Bloor I guess will remain the tallest in the bloor-yonge cluster for a while to come...
Sorry for context this is above the existing HOLTS and nothing else correct ?
You know exactly what I'm going say....what the hell? 81 cut down to 71 floors? Would someone please explain to me why the planning committee is afraid of tall buildings? It could have been a dramatic addition to the area, now, we're left with an average height that will just blend in. I know what you're all thinking, but for the love of god, aside from the taller Gerhy condo, will we ever break a decades old height record of FCP? With so much construction going on, and with so much potential, why, why why why, do they keep shooting down any chance at a 300 meter plus? I know the original plans weren't 300, but it was pretty close. Yes, we do have many tall buildings either built or on the way, and I am grateful for it, but I think it's time we turned that big city corner and breached the 300 meter barrier. With space to build becoming more and more scarce, it's only logical to make full use of all available space, that, and call me crazy (which I'm sure some of you already have/will), but call it selfish impulse of delight, I love really tall buildings, and not because other cities our size have several supertalls, but because with a skyline like ours, it deserves more. (That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!) cheers all :cool:

Ps - the truth? A very good friend, who's also a skyscraper geek and lives in Chicago, is ALWAYS beating me over the head with "we have several supertalls", agh! Drives me nuts, we need bragging rights!
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