In which way couldn't I relate Miller to Stalin?

Also, Andy Donato is neither funny nor witty. How's this guy still in the cartoon business?
Also, Andy Donato is neither funny nor witty. How's this guy still in the cartoon business?

I recall that when Bob Rae was Premier, Donoto's cartoons were basically a non-stop attack on him. (Rae also was invariably depicted wearing a Mao jacket.) I have not seen one of his cartoons in many years, but it seemed to me at the time that the only people he drew in a positive light were various right-wing scumbags.

If you ask me, being attacked by Donato is a point in one's favour.
Current status of construction

Hi folks! Just wondering what is current construction status? The thing is that I'm in Moscow now and not able to see it myself. Fresh photos would be appreciated!
September 29

Looking northeast at the main building, they are working on the second floor.

Looking northeast with the "loft building" on the left.

Looking north from the new park.
this whole area is looking great... but what material is that park composed of? It looks like either volcanic ash or cement dust at this point. Seriously though, great to see all those healthy looking trees!
They do look good, fall is the best time to plant young trees. I'm wondering if perhaps this won't be sodded next year? It does seem to be missing something and grass would seem the obvious choice. Some landscaped areas could be very attractive, 3 or 4 areas of native species plotted here & there would be perfect.

Hopefully the neighboring buildings work out a security arrangement to keep an eye on this parkette at night. Once those trees spread out in a year or two I can see this becoming a drug dealer's paradise.
The park is still under construction and it does remind me of volcanic ash. From the master plan it looks like it will not be grass but some type of hard paving material.
In which way couldn't I relate Miller to Stalin?

Also, Andy Donato is neither funny nor witty. How's this guy still in the cartoon business?

Ummm...maybe because that is an insane comparison? Stalin was a brutal, mad, paranoid, megalomaniac killer, and a ruthless power grabber in a totalitarian state. Miller works in a democratic system, and is not crazy. He does not have the only say when it comes to city decisions, planning or otherwise, and has been one of the only bright spots in an otherwise often incompetent city hall. After Mel, I thank god we have someone with a proper head on his shoulders who is making some good changes for this city finally. I think the difference is quite clear. I do however agree that Andy Donato is a right wing nut.

Some pics, 500 sherbourne construction. October 25, 2008

500 Sherbourne, Magill-Wellesley Park View

500 Sherbourne, Homewood Ave. View

4th floor under construction. 500 Sherbourne, Sherbourne View

Enjoy :)
December 9 2008 update

already on the 10th floor ! :D

