Midtown Urbanist
Thank you city!
I think it's really just key that the immediate area remains with a good consistency for office space, it just provides a more vibrant, successful neighbourhood that can help businesses of any size or function. I'm happy the city councillors saw that the lack of remediated office space was a great issue, and that the height was unfit for the area.
What??? How did I say I wanted more office employment in Downtown? I was more so saying I'd like to see a good basis of office jobs in the Yonge-Eglinton area than anything.We can't keep funneling office jobs into the core. At some point, the east/west, north/south subway connections and maybe even some sort of GO access will spur more demand for office space here.
They have reached a settlement on this one - the decision is posted on the OMB website.
Now 50 storeys, 177.9 metres. now with over 6000sm of office space, essentially matching the existing office building in size.
10m setback from the east, 0 metre setback from the west with a limiting distance agreement for next door.
6.1m from eglinton for the tower - I think what made this work is the limiting distance agreement with the property to the west. The initial proposal did not have that. That agreement essentially kills potential for a tower to the west of this one on the block.