
In fact Teeple Architects was one of the four finalist in that competition - they lost partly because of violating the point tower rule mandated by TCHC.

Looks good in the rendering but if they don’t use the right cladding this could be a major eyesore. I predict aluminum siding a la OCAD.
Or, if we're talking about both the neighbourhood and social-housing handle, Fred Victor Mission might be pointed to as an earlier case of bare-bones "architectural" siding-mongering gone awry...

Nice change of from the ever boring typical condo buildings we have grown accustomed to - certainly is different for this city- but I wondered how long it would take before we would see some european influenced designs taking shape here..Well, 2007, so right on time.

I really like this building. Good to see something very modern and different. Feels like a 21st Century building.
I saw a similar Jenga-style building (but much bigger and more of a Miami aesthetic than Dutch, mostly glass with concrete pillars holding up each random volume) somewhere along I-94 in John Hughes land.

It's still a box, though :p
eventually that parking lot to the north of your building will be developed with a tower

Yes, I know but it still wouldn't be nearly as close as these two buildings would be. Regardless, the design is sweet and that's what matters most.
I wouldn't want to live in it, what with those teeny windows, seemingly scattered at random. It would be nearly as bad as the grad prison at U of T.
Wow...that's great. If only private developers could deliver that quality of design, and consistently.
If executed properly it will go a long way to reducing some of the excessive concerns about such housing in some neighbourhoods.

(Boy, did I ever qualify the hell out of my sentence).
The Teeple Tower

I love it: everytime i've "dreamed" of the perfect building i've had visions of such a building as this--the cubes stacked with various negative spaces between them. While i don't want to see thousands of these, a few private developers could step up to the plate and get teeple on board--for example, red brick+glass instead of the black. The black is the only thing i'm not in love with--would make more sense in old montreal; toronto needs colour! I've always been a fan of teeple's libraries around southern ontario.

Which developer will step up and offer the "T" tower to compliment the "L" tower? Context?

I often wonder: how many innovative younger architects are working in the city without getting the chance to build a highrise instead of the usual client-driven luxury cottages etc?

I'm gonna have to take a pay cut this year so i can apply to live on Richmond st!
