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More of these please. In fact, could we just replace aA with Teeple as this city's default architect? Pretty please, with sugar on top?:D
nice pic, Torontovibe! We need more teeple in this town........
I can just imagine greenery spilling out of the mid-rise courtyard, towards Richmond below and the sun above. This really is a nice bit of building.
This is great news! Along with the other Regent Park projects, we are changing our thinking of affordable housing. Before we thought it was dirty, crime ridden and dump-like but now, it is nicer than any of the boxy towers going up elsewhere. Kudos to TCHC for the architectural achievements. It looks like the city is all for good architecture these days with the TTC Spadina Extension and the TCHC projects. It is very good news. Here is a picture to illustrate my thoughts:


AFTER, a piece of art that will be famous in Toronto for years to come.:D
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Man, this building is so awesome! I am curious what the inside will look like.
I like this building and I'd love to see inside this building too. I wish they'd do an open house or something. It's such a unique building. I want to see more government housing that looks like this. I just hope they keep with the creativity on the Cityplace projects, as well as others.
This is great news! Along with the other Regent Park projects, we are changing our thinking of affordable housing. Before we thought it was dirty, crime ridden and dump-like but now, it is nicer than any of the boxy towers going up elsewhere. Kudos to TCHC for the architectural achievements. It looks like the city is all for good architecture these days with the TTC Spadina Extension and the TCHC projects. It is very good news. Here is a picture to illustrate my thoughts:


AFTER, a piece of art that will be famous in Toronto for years to come.:D

That before shot is not city housing. That's private apartments.
