I wonder how this site qualifies to continue work under the latest restrictions.
It doesn't qualify. Do you have any indication of continuing work?

It doesn't qualify. Do you have any indication of continuing work?

I live near the site and it's not fully shut down. There are people on site. The exterior elevators are moving up and down. Equipment is beep beep beeping. I haven't seen cement trucks but they're doing something.
I live near the site and it's not fully shut down. There are people on site. The exterior elevators are moving up and down. Equipment is beep beep beeping. I haven't seen cement trucks but they're doing something.
Interesting. Maybe they're just fine with risking fines, like the golf course in Tillsonburg that refuses to shut down.

I know others are liking this building, but to me it just looks like a mirrored, detail-poor, Minecrafty lump, and I mostly blame the glass. It's great that it's curtain wall and is not marred by clunky mullions, and I don't mind glass with some reflectivity to it… but complete mirror glass? Argh. Soulless.

^i agree with you 42. glass is amazing but design could have been more creative. from certain angles one cant even differentiate the setbacks because the glass is too good and shiny.
I know others are liking this building, but to me it just looks like a mirrored, detail-poor, Minecrafty lump, and I mostly blame the glass. It's great that it's curtain wall and is not marred by clunky mullions, and I don't mind glass with some reflectivity to it… but complete mirror glass? Argh. Soulless.


I think wrapping the fins from the south side all the way around would have helped this a lot. It's a very well detailed, but decidedly dull filler building as it stands.
This is turning out great IMO. Glass is solid and it adds well to the street wall along King Street East. Solid filler building.
