I wonder if they're going to try to save any of those trees along the back of the property line

I'm not sure of their sizes but if the diameter is 12 inches or greater, by law they CANNOT be cut unless they are dead or impedes the development (ie. the trees were in the middle of the lot where the building is to be constructed).

Unfortunately, they may end up dying since it all depends on how much care is taken to shelter them during construction. Excavation for the foundation can do alot of damage since it shocks the root system.
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21 May 2009 photo update

Nice parking lot and trees...could be a future park!:p


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I'm not sure of their sizes but if the diameter is 12 inches or greater, by law they CANNOT be cut unless they are dead or impedes the development (ie. the trees were in the middle of the lot where the building is to be constructed).

Unfortunately, they may end up dying since it all depends on how much care is taken to shelter them during construction. Excavation for the foundation can do alot of damage since it shocks the root system.

Very true, however the trees along Charles Street in front of X survived - against all odds. Note that the trees don't have a lot of leaves on them yet, this shot is from May 8th

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

August 7th Update

I should have grabbed a few shots (although it's nothing too exciting) but there is a trailer and machinery on site, plus roofing and lighting is being built next to the hoarding, over the sidewalk along the edge of the site.
This one may be moving forward.
Wonderful...! This is one of my most-awaited projects for Yorkville. I am excited to see it begin!
Victoria College has received notices from the city indicating that shoring and excavation will begin in November, so yes, this one is moving along.
Excellent news what with the disappointing cancellation of The St. Thomas across the street.
Aug 22nd Update

I should have grabbed a few shots (although it's nothing too exciting) but there is a trailer and machinery on site, plus roofing and lighting is being built next to the hoarding, over the sidewalk along the edge of the site.
This one may be moving forward.

A few shots of the site, however a couple of pieces of equipment that I saw a few weeks ago are not gone.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

From residence information kits at Victoria University:

Re: Development of 77 Charles St. West

I write to brief members on the forthcoming development of the site at 77 Charles St. West. This building was acquired in 1997 by the Promotion, Education and Values Society (PEV). In 2005, PEV reached an agreement with developer AspenRidge Homes to replace the current structure with a 16-storey building, the first 3 floors of which will house Kintore College and the remaining floors, high quality condominium units. For more information on PEV and Kintore College see: www.pev.ca/kintore.html

AspenRidge Homes is planning to start work on this project this summer 2009. As you know, the existing building has already been demolished. There have been discussions between AspenRidge Homes and Victoria University to ensure that our adjacent buildings i.e. Stephenson and Law Houses and Rowel Jackman Hall, will not be affected by and during the construction of the new tower. Students living on either side will be able to see that as part of the process, the contractor will be inserting “tie-backs†i.e. long rods, into the ground beneath both 63/65 and 85 to ensure that the stability of our buildings is absolutely uncompromised during the excavation of the hole in which the building will be constructed. We have hired a consulting engineer to check every stage of this work for us. We have agreed to let AspenRidge Homes locate their construction trailer office in the back yard of the 63 & 65 houses. But during the period of construction, which will probably be about 2 years, there will be noise and dust coming from the construction site between our residences. Construction contractors are permitted by by-law of the City of Toronto to begin work as of 7 a.m. on weekdays but not before that time.
There are shoring, (for caisson drilling) machinery on site as I drove by this morning. Couldn't stop but looks like work has begun on shoring and excavation.
Sept. 7th Update

There are shoring, (for caisson drilling) machinery on site as I drove by this morning. Couldn't stop but looks like work has begun on shoring and excavation.

September 7th

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Update: There are large piles of earth on the site, though I can't see where on earth it would have come from.

Also, they put up some sexy hoarding a few weeks ago. A big "77" logo forms the end of the St. Thomas Street sightline.
