Nobody in architecture school aspires to making crap look like this. Say what you will about the ridiculous crap that a lot of architecture students come up with, but the visuals are more sophisticated than this project, 99% of the time.

Unless we are talking about first or second-year undergrads working on a large-scale project for the first time. That's what this thing reminds me of.
I didnt think that there were worse architect firms in the city than G+C or P+C/IBI, but now I know that there is much, much worse. Hopefully this is good riddance.
This is now a four-building mixed-use development by iKore Developments. Architect is now Turner Fleischer:








As a resident of this end of the central area I take an interest in this. 1400 units, 900 cars with most having chargers and something new is chargers for a number of the bicycles. This is quite close to the future Smartrack station and the St. Clair streetcar. I also find it interesting that this is just a northward continuation of the conversion of large industrial lots along Toronto's many rail lines with CityPlace being the most well known example.
There's an in-person community consultation meeting for this project coming up on March 6, 2024:

87 Ethel Avenue


7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

David Appleton Community Centre
33 Pritchard Avenue
Toronto, ON
M6N 1T4
(Basement-level Multipurpose Accessible Room)
Potentially up to a 10% affordable housing deal as it is an “Employment Lands” conversion, right..?
Potentially up to a 10% affordable housing deal as it is an “Employment Lands” conversion, right..?

So, they already have their Secondary Plan approved at OLT; and it says this:


The specific proposal that is currently out here is for 1,411 units of which 142 are to be affordable.



For @ProjectEnd 's elevator files, I count 12 over 1,411 units ; 0.85 elevators per 100 units or 1 elevator per 117.6 units

On the park............ hey this is workable, its 0.3ha or about 3/4 of an acre, its one piece, and its next to the existing City arena, then park.

* final note, a quick skim of the Planning Report notes that Maple Leaf Foods was to have shut down its facility on Ryding (Chicken processing) and moved those jobs to London, On.

Is this the last meat processor in the stock yards gone?
Last edited: ugly as those proposed buildings are, can't say they got VE'd down as far renders are concerned, goodness.
Spandrelfest. How come other cities can build without half the facade being spandrel and we can’t?
