Spandrelfest. How come other cities can build without half the facade being spandrel and we can’t?

A) Because we allow it.

B) Because TF, KirKor and G+C are allowed to practice architecture here (in a purely legalistic definition of same).
A) Because we allow it.

B) Because TF, KirKor and G+C are allowed to practice architecture here (in a purely legalistic definition of same).

A literal roadless, asphaltless junkyard full of junk is located there right now. Give me more spandrel, please, some pedestrianized, quality retail-level zone and maybe even an overpass to the other side of the tracks please. I'll take spandrel and just about anything over a junkyard any day, thank you.
I think a pedestrian/cycling bridge over the tracks here, mid way between Runnymede and Keele, would make a lot of sense to provide another access link from the Junction to the Stockyards.

Yes, something similar to the Wallace Avenue foot bridge in the Junction Triangle would do wonders. Especially if the future plan is to urbanize the big box sections of the Stockyards.

New Arch. Drawings here submitted April '24.

The Cover Letter was not particularly revelatory.

There are new renders included in the third Arch File down; but they are really small.
