Idk, I think it’s fine.

Once the decorative metal lattices go up on the north and south sides it’ll look more complete. There’s also the Tridel building going up to the west and queen central to the east so before long the minty panels will be covered. This could have been way worse imo.
I'm OK with the colour. The straight flatness with all the lines is what bothers me much more. It's a busy boring - but the other facades of the building might make up for it.
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Most of the other buildings in the immediate area are darker tones. So I think this will be ok. I might be less forgiving if it was in different company.
This one is not a rental. The Elm and The Ledbury behind it are the rentals. And it's supposed to be Spring 2024.
Rental not condo
When did this tower change to being a rental? The original plan this was to be a condo with the two towers behind being rentals. Honestly curious as I can't find any information on it being a rental aside from the fact the UT database says it's a rental in the fact sheet (but also says its a condo in the description, so I'm very confused). And based on a quick google, there was a sales website for this project. I'd love for it to be a rental, but I can't find any indications outside of UT that it is. Maybe I'm missing something.
