Feb 12, 2020

It's (0000) part of their advertising jingle / phone number
Interesting that they're spelling out how many floors there'll be vs what they'll be numbered. Woot woot for transparency! In this case they are skipping 13, 14, 24, 34, 44, and 54, but not 4 as that's an office floor in this complex, and death at the office is no biggie.

Interesting that they're spelling out how many floors there'll be vs what they'll be numbered. Woot woot for transparency! In this case they are skipping 13, 14, 24, 34, 44, and 54, but not 4 as that's an office floor in this complex, and death at the office is no biggie.

But 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, and 49 are just fine? Funny how starting with death is preferable to ending with death.
But 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, and 49 are just fine? Funny how starting with death is preferable to ending with death.
Not to be that guy, but...It's not the numeric symbol that is the problem. The word "four" sounds like the word for "death" in some types of Chinese... whereas "forty" does not. My last building did the same
Not to be that guy, but...It's not the numeric symbol that is the problem. The word "four" sounds like the word for "death" in some types of Chinese... whereas "forty" does not. My last building did the same
I realize it's the sound and not the number. Just think forty sounds as close to four as twenty-four. Likely language nuances that I'm not understanding.
I was really impressed when I saw the renderings depicting the podiums. The towers themselves don't look ugly in the renderings, but they seem rather undistinguished and forgettable.
I realize it's the sound and not the number. Just think forty sounds as close to four as twenty-four. Likely language nuances that I'm not understanding.

I'm curious...…...do they pass by the number 13 in buildings in China to accommodate European buyers?
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In the apartment building I lived in, in Hong Kong, there was no 13th floor iirc.

However I'm fairly certain it was hit or miss as to whether there was 13 or not. Also not the best example as its it's a former British colony, but I thought I'd mention it nonetheless
