Arguably, yes. It's strangely truncated. The proportions are all wrong. And the grey cladding is pretty bad too.

Sunrise, looking back at Razz

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It looks like the size of the roof area is intended to provide a reasonable work area for the window washing stage without resorting to L-Tower-like systems.
And wouldn't ya know it, they're washing the windows today. Saw them moving from the top down the east side earlier this eve.

Personally, I can't see any benefit in 88 having anything in common with L-Tower.
Grand unveiling of the Penthouse suites yesterday. Only one of the 4 fully finished suites was open for touring; 2 two - floor suites on 57 and 58, and 2 one - floor suites on 56 (one sold). My amateur pics tell part of the impressive the story.

As an aside, from the Master Bedroom on the 58th floor of the west suite there's a clear view of wood paneling still up on L-Tower. I wonder if anyone will ever force the builder to finish what they started 10 (?) years ago, or is this the way it will always be?



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