I'm awarding this development with my "Finished Product That Best Resembles Product Under Construction" award. After this thing wraps up, we'll be looking at the photos through loupes to determine if that's a shoring pole or just another mullion, a tarp or a cladding panel.

Does anyone know what they’re charging for rentals? I’m assuming the one company is going to manage all buildings
Clearly the issue here is not so much colour, as it is the overabundance of ugly crisscrossing mullions and semi-gloss plastic spandrel.
None of it would be plastic.

I was very skeptical when they started adding the spandrel but, as someone who walks by it every day, I have to say that I'm completely won over. There's something about the colour or finish that works quite well when you see it in person. No idea how it will age but I'm really enjoying it now and how it 'compliments' the colourful monstrosity next to the Coffee Time
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