Seems like our gem has landed an extra gig in Hollywood.

I'm watching Nikita on Space this morning and there's a scene where Nikita exits a building and what do I see in the background? Tower 4!
From today's Star: Christopher Hume video on Absolute 4/5

Where he is standing has enormous potential as well. Tear down the three class b/c office buildings and build some something equally magnificent, my sense it will happen in due time...

Come next spring the new Heart of the city will no doubt be the revamped civic square and SQ1 will be simply be a very busy foot ...all in due time...

Being that he works at the Star building I sure hope he took the GO bus from Union Station to SQ1 and then did the 10 minute walk to the towers as oppose to taking the van:cool:
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Marilyn Topless

weatherwall hoarding being removed off the topmost floors of Absoluteworld Tower 4 today........



10 floors of balconies done now....


From today's Star: Christopher Hume video on Absolute 4/5

Where he is standing has enormous potential as well. Tear down the three class b/c office buildings and build some something equally magnificent, my sense it will happen in due time...

Come next spring the new Heart of the city will no doubt be the revamped civic square and SQ1 will be simply be a very busy foot ...all in due time...

Being that he works at the Star building I sure hope he took the GO bus from Union Station to SQ1 and then did the 10 minute walk to the towers as oppose to taking the van:cool:

I totally agree - those ugly 80's office buildings should be replaced.
It's funny it looks taller then it really is! At least to me, compare it to say MLS ... which should be about 20M higher or so - this looks quite a bit taller! ... maybe it's the huge podium on MLS - either way, these look huge in person!
