thx khris for the pics, a bit too early to be sure, but looks to be pretty reflective glass so far...

edit: here's a couple more pics posted by Jasonzed over at SSC....


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I believe the core of the building will not have a twist at all - it will be a cylinder from top to bottom.

The twist will be provided once they add in the balconies.
that's not true ... only the elevator core will remain constant, but the oval-shaped building walls will twist as the tower rises
I believe the core of the building will not have a twist at all - it will be a cylinder from top to bottom.
The twist will be provided once they add in the balconies.

That's what was speculated earlier but an article from the developer stated it would be in the actual core (minus central shafts). Not sure which page it is on it is, but I believe it was from earlier in this year (Jan/Feb if you want to go looking in the earlier pages).
thanks for the pics Khris and everyone...

the first 3 towers look very cool from the northeast, driving on the 403!

I believe the core of the building will not have a twist at all - it will be a cylinder from top to bottom.

The twist will be provided once they add in the balconies.

I think we can already see some variance in the floorplate size from Khris's photos above, but your point is well taken and there are many buildings that have used staggerring of balconies etc to provide the illusion of an irregular building shape.
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thanks for the pics Khris and everyone...

the first 3 towers look very cool from the northeast, driving on the 403!

You're welcome.

And yes, the north east sides of the first Absolute buildings are very awesome. It's a shame they didn't make them look the same on both sides.
Thanks for the update Khris. This one will make us Mississaugans proud once it's completed. How's the progress on the north tower?
I also thought only the balconies would twist, but I can see some twisting already in the photographs.

It is most obvious in this photo:

Can't anyone else see it?
Now I see it as well. You can see it in the distances between the columns and the outer edge of the floor plate.
Absolute World Floorplates

Pardon the poor pixal quality images ... but based on the floorplates shown below you can see that only the elevator core remains constant in Absolute World towers, the layouts and shape of the curtain walls + balconies continue to morph as the tower rises to different levels


Glad to see a live update, I've not been in MCC since late February.
update by Jasonzed at SSC..


