its a shame Toronto doesnt have the guts to build anything like these two! This has got to be the most exciting construction site in the GTA.

Redroom, I think you may be right....and I don't think the good citizens of Mississauga have any idea how mind-boggling these towers will be...right now, I think they are becoming a traffic hazard....every time I drive by, I can't stop staring....:D
Redroom, I think you may be right....and I don't think the good citizens of Mississauga have any idea how mind-boggling these towers will be...right now, I think they are becoming a traffic hazard....every time I drive by, I can't stop staring....:D

A pedestrian hazard too, because everytime I walk by it, I am paying too much attention to it and not the road haha.
I noticed the other day they have a camera at the northwest corner now on top of a tall pole. I never noticed it before, so it must be relatively new. Not sure if it's for traffic, or police or what. Maybe accidents have gone up at the intersection.
I think it's awesome that Mississauga is laying down the gauntlet. It will only do wonders for Toronto if the city thinks it has to do more to outshine its - *shudder* - burbs.
The average resident of Mississauga have no idea about tall building and will think nothing of them when fully completed. Just drive/walk on by with giving a thought about them.

It only us that think this was thinking outside the box for tall buildings.

It too bad that some of the other designs are not going to show up as it would start a new trend how building should look like.

Square box is old fashion with dull glass and precast.

Tower one is peaking it's head over Sq One now from the north side.
The average resident of Mississauga have no idea about tall building and will think nothing of them when fully completed. Just drive/walk on by with giving a thought about them.

It only us that think this was thinking outside the box for tall buildings.

What???? Pretty much everyone in Mississauga is aware of these buildings and how unconventional they are. Even my mother who knows nothing about architecture or development knows about this building and can't wait to see the finished product.

Once complete, everyone will be turning their heads up to admire them. They are landmarks. Anyone walking by them without looking up in awe would have to be 100% legally blind!
Buzz in Mississauga

Yeah, I would have to strongly disagree with drum118.

Just about everyone in Mississauga knows about these towers and there is a growing civic pride that it is going up in our city centre. There is even more buzz as it is really beginning to take shape.

It will be a true landmark that can not be ignored and once it is completed will be VERY visable from almost every point in the city.

And yet no construction pics have ever been posted in the photo of the day!

It isn't distinctive enough yet. I'll use it when the curve is really standing out.
Well we just had our amenities center grand opening and let me just say...WOW!!!

It's not so much a conventional amenities center but more of a full on recreation center...

From the 48 seat $100,000 theater to the indoor running track, it's quite the facility...

With this amazing center and these two gorgeous towers going up, all I'm seeing is $$$$$ when I go to sell in 4 years.....
I'm amazed what a couple twists will do. Right now, I find the window wall looks like Absolute shit. It doesn't look good for these towers stacked up against Murano/Burano nevermind the Erickson or the countless other trendy, twisty towers.
I'm amazed what a couple twists will do. Right now, I find the window wall looks like Absolute shit. It doesn't look good for these towers stacked up against Murano/Burano nevermind the Erickson or the countless other trendy, twisty towers.

