It's all a matter of
how narrow: I cannot imagine that a redesign will come back with anything that looks '905'. I don't understand this either/or black/white approach to discussion that happens on UT so often. The world works so much more in
degrees, and not so much in
Right now, immediately to the south of this site you have Lamb's Brant Park condos, currently completing. It's 36 metres high and is set back 5 metres from the property line with a lane, and it's virtually all windows as you can see below. The 51 Camden proposal comes within 1.09 metres of the lot line on the other side of it, and the building is proposed to rise 50 metres. The hotel's original lot consisted of the cleared space you can see below plus halfway through the next building to the left. With the recent purchase, it will now include all of the two-storey building you can see on the left.
image by someMidTowner
The initial 51 Camden proposal is 14 metres taller than Brant Park, and was proposed with only 6 metres separation. The north windows of The Brant Park would face (in the initial plan) a mostly red brick wall with four vertical-slot windows. (See the south elevation image below: they are the white spaces.)
In the image below, created before the arched opening was introduced, you can see that the hotel was proposed with 6 bays, north to south.
Each bay is just over 4 metres wide.
If the redesign kept the bays at the same or approximately the same width, they could drop one of the bays and transfer 4 metres to the laneway, meaning both this building and The Brant Park would be 5 metres from the lot line, leaving a 10 metre laneway. With the height of Brant park being 36 metres, that's still a narrow laneway with a height to width ratio of 3.6 to 1, and while it probably still won't be wide enough to make some of the Brant Park residents happy, the developers would have a good chance of arguing that their building should be allowed to be built the same distance to the lot line as The Brant Park was. (I'm also willing to bet that one floor will come off the top, maybe even two, bringing the hotel more in line with the height of The Brant Park.)
Anyway, barring a complete redesign, I think what I am describing has a reasonable chance of resembling what will be proposed next. Looking forward to seeing it. I love the design concept here, and hope they can sort this all out over the next few months.