^and weird. The floorplate on this is tiny for office space - I wonder what Freed is thinking here?

Too small, really. The project has negative value creation on a casual number run. I'm sure there's something I'm not accounting for but it is pretty mysterious. Are they being forced into office replacement because of what's happening to the west?
Too small, really. The project has negative value creation on a casual number run. I'm sure there's something I'm not accounting for but it is pretty mysterious. Are they being forced into office replacement because of what's happening to the west?

it's within 500m of rapid transit so I guess office replacement makes sense.
Surgery next to a very vibrate-y rail corridor?! :oops:

Why not!

316-320 Dupont St.: Community Consultation

March 26, 2019 • News & City Updates

The City has received an application to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law to permit a new 9-storey office building containing a total of 2115 square metres of office space and 822 square metres of retail space with 39 proposed parking spaces and 21 bicycle parking spaces.

The City is holding a Community Consultation meeting where you can learn more about this application, ask questions and share your comments.


April 9
Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Place: Toronto Archives – Spadina Room (255 Spadina Road)

To speak to the planner directly: contact Sipo Maphangoh, at 416-338-2478 or Sipo.Maphangoh@toronto.ca
I wonder if Freed is looking at this as a new home for themselves. They've long been done building Freedville. If the Thompson Hotel is doing well where their current offices are, that floor could be converted into more hotel. This site is close to Galleria on the Park which they'll be working on for years, and it's closer to attractive shoulder neighbourhoods that are less built out than Downtown… this one could serve them well and let them expand a bit. (I doubt they'd need the whole building though…)

I know it stands for Annex, but the name makes me a bit anxious for some crazy reason.

