
This building is going to rock! when it's finished. There's lots of detail on it being a jagged structured building. And the solid deep turquoise facade for the upper part of the building will definitely pop out . Not to mention the mirror windows that reflect the water garden right next to it.
We need more buildings like this in front of the harbour. No more box like buildings that have no detail please they look cheap !!
This building is going to rock! when it's finished. There's lots of detail on it being a jagged structured building. And the solid deep turquoise facade for the upper part of the building will definitely pop out . Not to mention the mirror windows that reflect the water garden right next to it.
We need more buildings like this in front of the harbour. No more box like buildings that have no detail please they look cheap !!
You may be correct but so often our hopes/expectations have been dashed when the final cheapenings occur. Let's hope you are right - it DOES look good, so far!
It would be better if it wasn't always grey. Black and white would be superior in nearly every instance.
Heavy on the spandrel, but I'm waiting to see what it's like when all the cladding is up. The ribbed design might really make this thing shine.
